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Liv collapsed back against the Egyptian cotton sheets as she finished moaning out from her orgasm.

Amelia appeared from beneath the sheet seconds later as she rested against the brunette's chest and placed a short kiss on Liv's lips causing her to groan into the kiss.

"Can you taste how fucking amazing you are" Amelia mumbled into the kiss, her hands becoming lost in Liv's brown locks as Liv hummed into the kiss as she soon settled back against the pillow and gasped for air.

This was her third week of sleeping with Amelia and things were pretty much well..how could Liv put it..perfect.

Liv went to class and did her work. She would see Amelia on average three evenings a week for sex with her only ever staying over the first night and once more after that because she accidentally fell asleep after mind blowing multiple orgasms but it was not something Liv got into a habit of as she would most likely have to hit the library or a bar after being with Amelia during the week.

Amelia was very attentive in the bedroom department. She knew exactly how to make Liv moan and what worked for the brunette and she was by far the most experienced lover Liv had ever been with.

There was still the issue of Amelia not wanting to be touched no matter how much Liv knew the older woman was turned on. She would decline any attempts Liv would make so Liv just stopped after the first week.

They ignored each other in classes, well Amelia would give Liv the occasional I want to fuck you tonight look and so she would but other than that Liv kept her head down and done her work.

At the weekend Liv was a free agent, she never heard from her personal tutor and she was still unsure how she felt about this.

Amelia never really spoke to Liv about getting to know her much. She pretty much used the brunette for sex and then Liv got the impression that she should just leave. She was unsure what Amelia's reaction to small talk would be like so she never attempted it.

It was now a Friday evening and Liv had arranged to meet Karen in a club in town tonight for Jasmine's birthday. Things were getting serious between her best friend and her lover of nearing two months which was quite a long time for Kaz.

She had never stuck with one girl for more than a couple of weeks due to a her wandering eyes.

"I should get ready" Liv sighed glancing at her watch.

"Would you mind if I showered and got ready here" she asked looking over at Amelia who was lying topless flat on her back looking up towards the ceiling. Amelia shook her head without saying anything as Liv mumbled a thank you.

After having a quick shower and making sure not to wet her hair, Liv made her way back into Amelia's bedroom where the older woman had now vanished from.

Shrugging her shoulders, Liv continued to get ready as she put on her dress and make up in Amelia's bedroom.

She loved Amelia's room, it was decorated so with white and purple scheme yet the wall were bare from pictures to make it cluttered looking. She had adored Amelia's bungalow.

After seeing it in the day light the day after the night she first arrive, it was a one bungalow of four on a private road.

It had two bedrooms and was perfect for a bachelorette like Amelia. Big enough for one or two people. Decorated in new furniture it had looked like it had been newly been done up but Liv and Amelia had not gotten to that topic of conversation yet..maybe someday.

Applying the last of her make up with some light mascara and dark eye shadow. Liv was pretty much ready as she studied herself in the full length mirror. She wore a one shoulder red cocktail dress that clung to her body.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now