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Another 2 years later..

"Welcome to first year Anatomy" Amelia said looking around the lecture hall. The mixture of excitement and fear on the students faces was priceless and Amelia was keeping up her cold exterior as always. The truth was she felt a rush of adrenaline as she stood giving an introduction of what was expected of her student's this year. The same look on her students earlier in the day when she had introduced herself to her first year medical students.

They were the only two classes she agreed to take on since coming back to the University. Ah yes the University where she most likely broke a few hearts but most of all got her own heart broken. After giving a 50 minute dry lecture making sure her students knew she wasn't someone to fuck around with, she dismissed the class. She was now a Professor after all.

Her evenings of studying and researching had finally paid off when she worked in Dubai she had published her own research and became a Professor a few months ago. Life was good. Amelia began packing up her laptop and items into her bag.

"Professor Roberts" a student said descending the last couple of steps as she approached Amelia. Amelia looked up locking eyes with the young woman. A blonde with the green eyes staring into her own as she held a smile. She was attractive. There was no denying that but she was also a student of Amelia's and Amelia was never to go there after what happened with her last student amongst other reasons.

"Yes Miss..."

"Lewis" the younger woman said giving her lecturer a smirk. Amelia cleared her throat feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

"I was wondering if you taught private lessons for your Students..I think I'm going to struggle this year" the blonde said in a rather seductive tone.

Amelia saw red. The student had sat less than an hour in her class and was saying she was struggling. The lecturer knew by the blonde stance and seductive smirk, this girl was trying it on with her.

"Well Miss Lewis considering it's the first day of lectures I'm not entirely sure how you have figured that one out but if you need extra help that will be something you will need to discuss with your allocated personal tutor or Miss Brooke's who is taking the lead in Anatomy this year" Amelia said sternly pulling her bag off the desk with her left hand. The students eyes widened as she realised how stupid she just was.

"Anything else Miss Lewis..I really need to meet my wife for lunch now" Amelia said dryly as the blonde shook her head taking a step back as Amelia stepped around her and walked up the stairs rolling her eyes. She was dead when Liv heard about this.


"Nice office" Liv beamed holding two take out salads from the canteen as she shut the door. Amelia smiled looking up at the brunette. She watched Liv place the two salad bowls on her desk before removing her shoulder bag and slinging it to one of the chairs.

"Chicken, extra tomato and no cucumber" Liv said walking around Amelia's desk as she settled against the wood and handed the plastic bowl over to the dark haired woman.

"Thank you baby" Amelia said pulling the brunette down on her lap so Liv was straddling her as she squealed in the process. Their lips immediately locking and Amelia couldn't help but deepen the kiss as she tasted how sweet her wife was.

"Mmmmh what was that for" Liv hummed as she reached up and brushed the older woman's cheek.

"Can't I kiss my wife in work" Amelia whispered, her hands cupping the brunettes bum and giving it a light squeeze.

"You can do whatever you want in your building now Miss fancy pants" Liv replied climbing up from a grunting Amelia who sulked and watched the brunette reach over the claim her own salad. It was true. Amelia was the boss. Professor Dillons had retired a few months prior and insisted that Amelia came back to take her place.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now