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Liv had decided to do dry January so the month of January was well...pretty dry. Since getting back from her trip to Cardiff, Amelia was up to her eye balls in work. She was working late every evening after lectures to correct exams papers including Liv's which she refused to let the brunette know how she actually did.

Liv was broke and bored since she had laid off the booze for the month so she decided to get a job in none other than the SU bar. Not by choice but everywhere else hadn't got back to her about jobs when she handed her pretty much non existent CV from Essex and Jas who worked in the bar  had put in a good word for by Karens request so she couldn't decline.

Amelia was less than pleased upon hearing the news but her new found job however she still congratulated her lover and told her if she was really stuck for money she would give it to her. Liv of course declined and despite it being dry January for her, she didn't mind working at the bar.

The late night hours were her downfall, unless a weekend Amelia would pick her up after work and bring her back to her place where she would stay the night but mostly on work nights she got a taxi home.

Liv was saving to get some driving lessons for the summer time once her first year of Uni was finished. Everything seemed to have been slotting into place so far. Her and Amelia continued to be adventurous in the bedroom as well as just cuddling on nights they were both exhausted from working and Uni stuff.

February came a long and Liv wanted to surprise her lover. She had gone shopping one day to Anne Summers picking out the perfect outfit for Valentine's Day. Scott has asked Liv out for dinner that day but she politely declined saying she had plans.

As for Emily well unfortunately for Liv she still existed and followed Liv around like a lost puppy. The red head would purposely go drinking at the SU bar on nights Liv worked the floor and brought some slag with her in attempt to make her jealous.

Little did Emily know that Liv was quite happily fucking their Anatomy lecturer and seeing Emily getting off with someone else was a relief for the brunette as it meant Emily's attention was elsewhere, even if it was for a short period.

By the end of the first week in February Amelia had officially announced by email that final results were out with a slight delay due to the exam board doing Audit checks on her marks. Liv quickly logged in to check her results.

She noticed a B1 for physiology which she was happy with as her GPA would stay up provided she done good in her Anatomy. A grin appeared on her face when she seen an A1 after it she was happy. Her other exams came in as A's and another B.

Shutting down her laptop in the library, she could take the grin off of her face as she decided she was going to pay Miss Roberts a visit.

Making her way to the second floor of the health science building and stopping outside of her office she knocked three times as she waited patiently for Amelia to answer.

"Come in" Amelia said as Liv opened the door and closed it quietly, locking it from the inside.

"Olivia" Amelia said with a smirk on her face. Amelia took off her black framed glasses and placed them on her desk.

"Miss Roberts" Liv replied slowly making her way into the office.

"What can I do for you" Amelia asked clearly her throat as she pushed her laptop to one side and watched Liv slowly making her way around her desk.

"I got my results" Liv said biting her lip and watching Amelia's hands immediately grip onto the back of her jeans pulling her close.

"Congratulations..keep working hard and you might get the same for your summer exams" Amelia said popping a button on the brunette's jeans and then pulling the zip down so she could tug the brunette's jeans passed her hips.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now