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"And take the next left back towards the centre" the instructor stated as Liv nodded checking her mirrors and entering the car park of the driving centre. Once parked up, she removed the keys from the ignition and took a deep breath.

"Ok Miss Stone..follow me please" the man stated as she nodded. She could feel the sweat beneath her T-shirt. The whole driving test was a bit of a blur.

Once she was brought into the instructors office, he signed a few papers as his face remained blank. Finally looking up at her a few minutes later, he held out his hand for the young woman to shake it.

"Congratulations Miss Stone..you have passed" he gave her a professional smile as the brunette squealed. Liv jumped up and down as she pulled the man into a hug, whether he liked it or not. She had spent the last 12 weeks doing block driving lessons and it looked like it was paying off.

Liv could officially drive her chitty chitty bang bang Lola out of the driving centre herself. If not she was going to have to phone her boss Richie to pick her up again. So maybe this was her second attempt of her driving test but who was counting.

Liv climbed in her car as she reversed out of her space and dialled her best friend's number.

"Hello" Kaz said on the other end.

"Babe...I fucking passed" Liv squealed making her way down the country road.

"Yaaaaaaaay" Karen squealed back.

"Did you do what I told you about loosening a few buttons" Karen asked as Liv rolled her eyes at the blonde.

"No..slut" Liv hissed into the phone as she struggled to hold it whilst changing the gears.

"I did it all by myself..hold on I need to turn" Liv said placing her phone on her lap while she turned the car, she still wasn't comfortable with using one hand.

"Liv please tell me you picked yourself up a blue tooth for your car" Kaz asked with a warning tone.

"Not yet" Liv replied cautiously.

"Liv for fuck sake..you can get 6 penalty points for being on your phone and don't get me started on how dangerous it is..I'll call you later" the phone went dead and Liv glanced down at her phone.

"Bitch" she mumbled throwing her phone down on the passenger as she continued to drive back to her house with a huge grin on her face.

Liv pulled her 03 Volkswagen Golf into her long driveway. She knew if she was back in London, Kaz would have dragged her out to celebrate her passing her driving test. But she wasn't in London. She was almost 500 miles away and over the Scottish border living in Fife. What made her move there?

Everything. Amelia. Her guilt over what she had done to Kaz never left her mind. The truth was Liv was never happy in Uni. She thought she was. She thought she wanted to do Anatomy as much as she enjoyed the subject. It wasn't her life. She decided to leave. Maybe it was running away but she didn't care. She was sick of London and it's false exterior. To hell to moving back home.

She needed a break from it all. To live free from civilisation for a while. She enjoyed the fact that the nearest shop was over 5 miles away and that the nearest neighbour she had was over half a mile away. She was renting a 3 bedroom house to herself.

Liv had managed to get herself a job in pub in St. Andrews which was a half hour drive or up until recently over an hour by bus. A place that should have been known for its beauty and history of castles but in this day and age known for where William met Kate. Most of the students were snobs but a job was a job and she was hoping to move on after Christmas, maybe to the outskirts of Edinburgh and get a job with more sociable hours.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now