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A/N: Early update because it's Friday 🤗..Yay!!This chapter only has a little bit about the story line..it's mostly just smut since it's almost Valentine's Day 🤮 enjoy and thanks for ready 😘😘 xxx

Valentine's Day was probably the most over rated day of the year next to New Years but this year Liv was going to make an effort with Amelia.

Her boss had put her in for the shift but since Jas and Kaz had split, Liv begged Jas to cover her shift for her. After begging for half of their shift a few days before Valentine's Day Jas finally gave in and said she would do it.

Liv thought it was strange how she never liked Jas when she was with Karen and now she was growing to like her more and more she got to know her a bit better.

Kaz was starting to go back out and fall into the same routine the past few days of drinking and hooking up with random girls. Liv knew she needed to let her friend get it out of her system before she would intervene.

Back to Valentine's Day and Liv had asked Amelia for her house keys and not to question anything else. She also explained she would be missing her Anatomy lecturer but it was for a good cause.

After a few pleas and pouts of her lips. Liv of course got her own way. She had picked up some shopping for her surprise before getting a taxi to her lecturers house.

Amelia mean while was missing looking up at those two familiar brown eyes near the back of her lecture hall. She had grown used to hating Valentine's days like every other day but Liv had begged her to make an effort this year, to give her a chance to make it special so Amelia of couldn't say no.

Amelia had dismissed her lecture 5 minutes earlier than usual. She had promised the brunette she wouldn't be staying back in her office late this evening. All she had to do was quickly run upstairs and drop her laptop in her office and then she would head home and see what the big gesture Liv had planned for her.

Once the lecture room cleared out, she quickly made her way upstairs and she even rang Liv's phone which went straight to voice mail.

"Hey I'm leaving here in 5 minutes so I should be home in about half an hour or so depending on the traffic..I look forward to seeing you..bye baby" Amelia said with a smirk before hanging up the phone.

She was grateful that she had gone to the shop on her way to Uni this morning and picked Liv out the biggest bunch of roses she could find, along with some chocolates. Girls likes chocolates so it would have to do.

It was times like this Amelia wished she still had a best friend to go for advice. To ask what is appropriate to buy the woman you think you are in love with for Valentine's Day but because she is 19 and your student you needed to keep it casual.

Then again if she had her ex best friend Alice around, whatever about sleeping with her ex girlfriend if she seen how beautiful Olivia was. She would definitely try and take Liv from her so yes expensive flowers and chocolates would have to do.

Amelia made her way to her office as she carried her laptop bag. Pushing her key into the lock and unlocking her door she stepped into her dark office and turned on the light. She placed her laptop bag on her desk and ensure her computer desktop was switched off before heading back out.

Amelia noticed an envelope on the ground. She opened it seeing it was red and the day that was in it she couldn't help but smile knowing it was probably Liv winding her up. She opened the card and frowned reading the unrecognisable writing.

Happy Valentines Amelia,

I know you will be spending it with a very special student!Be careful who you play with..you never know who will find out!!

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now