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Haaaaaaaaappppy Christmas every one...hope everybody has a fab day and you all don't get too drunk or food drunk 😉😂 have a great day!I am home for Xmas so I do know when I will be able to update but I will try before New Years!Once again thank you for reading and especially those those who vote and comment ❤️❤️

There was no more texts for Amelia that day or the next morning and Olivia kept herself busy with Uni work as she went to the library for her free lecture space. She placed her ear phones in as she looked around the library, her eyes locking with the familiar blonde across the seating area near book shelves in the corner as the blonde had a big flirtatious grin on her face when turning to touch none other than Amelia Roberts.

Liv's heart sank in her chest as she continued to look at the pair, they obviously thought they were being discreet but no, fucking Liv could see them clearly as she squeezed her pen slightly.

Her eyes burning into the back of Amelia's head which was now nuzzled into the blondes neck as she could see the blondes face smiling as her arms wrapped around the older woman. Liv rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe she had been so fucking stupid to actually like someone like Amelia but it was only egging her on to keep up with her teasing.

Liv gathered her books throwing them into her bag as she walked in their direction, carrying a book with her. Both women were too caught up in handling each other as the brunette approached them walking down the aisle of books. She cleared her throat causing the older woman's body to snap back away from the flustered blonde.

"Excuse me" Liv smiled at them both as she stepped closer to the blonde who was still leaning against the book shelf as the brunette stood in front of her. Their eyes locked Liv gave her a flirtatious smile, reaching over the blondes head as she placed the book back on the shelf. She could feel the blonde's breathing erratically beneath her. Liv stepped back as Amelia's worried eyes locked with her own, still remaining silent she continued to stare at the brunette.

"Sorry for interrupting, as you were" Liv said confidently but inside her body rippled with pain and stupidity as she quickly turned around and walked straight out of the library. She was so fucking done with Amelia Roberts, she was a player and Olivia was not willing to be played..


Liv could feel Amelia's stares during the lecture but the brunette refused to look up and acknowledge the older woman. So Amelia had been flirting with her and then clearly still sleeping with that bimbo, what did Liv expect. They were not in a relationship and certainly nothing more than student and lecturer. Liv just needed to clarify that with Amelia Roberts.

"There's a party tonight in my house if you want to go" Scott asked nervously breaking Liv from her thoughts as she looked over at him. It beats sitting around doing nothing and thinking about what could never happen between her Cruella de ville at the bottom of the lecture hall.

"Sure why not" Liv smiled weakly at him as she extended her hand.

"Give me your phone and I'll add my number, you can text me the details" the brunette said as Scott blushed and handed her the phone. She smiled at him as she texted herself off his phone and picking up her own phone.

"See now you can text me" she smiled at him.

"Miss Stone if you are going to continue speak in my lecture I suggest you take it outside" came from the bottom of the lecture hall as the brunette and Scott flinched turned to look at an angry looking Amelia.

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