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Liv just sat on the door step of the entrance to her flat and cried. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, her situation of being locked out of the flat in the freezing cold or the fact she had a fight with Amelia and been referred to as her sloppy seconds.

Maybe it was the combination of all 3 and now she had smashed up yet another phone and this time out of pure rage.

She wiped her tears as she began picking at her cold kebab. There was no point in her going cold and hungry if she was staying here for the night.

Kaz had no way of getting back to her but if she didn't turn up by 3. Liv was going to make her way to Scott's house and hopefully someone in his house would be up so she could get in and crash for the night.

She could feel herself calm down as she ate her food. Amelia really knew how to push her buttons.

Just when she thought she was getting somewhere with the older woman, they would take giant steps back.

If it wasn't for the amazing orgasms and the intense attraction, Liv would have said bye bye from day one. She just wasn't sure if she could keep going with it with the lack of respect Amelia clearly had towards her.

It was just after 3 and Liv had just at a full kebab, feeling slightly sick and cold. She stood up as she stumbled slightly and began walking towards the gate of front entrance.

"Well if you eat me out like you just ate that kebab maybe I will change my mind" Amelia said in a dry sarcastic tone as she leaned against the bonnet of her Lexus looking all sexy and shizzle. Right now Liv wanted to walk up and punch the woman.

Amelia dangled keys from her hand which Liv could only presume were her flat keys as she approached the older woman remaining silent. The brunette sighed as she held her hand out waiting for the keys to be placed into her hand, she wasn't going to chase after for them.

"What's the magic word" Amelia asked as she looked into Liv's eyes longingly but the brunette really was not in the mood.

She clenched her jaw as she held back her anger, this was the only thing stopping her from climbing into her own snuggly bed tonight in her fresh pair of fleecy pyjamas. Releasing her jaw again she relaxed her posture.

"Please may I have my keys" Liv asked as she continued to hold out her hand.

"I'm sorry for what I said on that text"
Amelia said and honestly Liv was shocked with the apology but couldn't really care less right now.

"It's fine..can I have my keys now" Liv asked as her eyes were focused on the keys and nothing else. Amelia stepped forward as she placed the keys in Liv's hand but still keeping a hold of them.

"I am sorry..you are no ones sloppy seconds" Amelia said sincerely as Liv nodded with acknowledgement. It didn't mean it didn't hurt when she read the text by Amelia.

Amelia's arms wrapped around the brunette's as she gasped at how cold Liv was.

"You are freezing" Amelia mumbled into Liv's hair.

"Well I have been out here for like an hour" Liv shot back shivering as she felt Amelia's body heat against her.

"Maybe if you answered your phone I would have known exactly what flat number you were, I couldn't remember" Amelia mumbled into the brunette's hair and she inhaled her intoxicating smell. She really didn't think she would be smelling her so soon.

"Well I am uncontactable for now for the foreseeable future" Liv mumbled as she pointed at her smashed up phone as Amelia gasped but didn't question what happened.

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