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"Ohhhhhh my god" Liv moaned as she took another mouthful of prawns. Humming as she chewed her food which didn't go unnoticed by Amelia as she watched the brunette from across the table.

Amelia looked down at the small tapas dish where Liv's fork had just attacked the shellfish for the fourth time only to find nothing left but some garlic and coriander smudge to the side of the clay dish.

"Remind me never to have Tapas with you again" Amelia said eating some squid and meatballs, luckily these were placed next to her so she was able to get some before the brunette had gone hunting around the table at the different foods.

Liv's pleasurable eyes opened as she swallowed the last of her garlic infused prawns. She knew it wouldn't go down a treat with Amelia later from the strong taste.

"I'm sorry babe, I thought you had some" Liv said as her eyes diverted back to the table. She went for her next dish. Amelia smirked as she tuck a sip of her wine.

They had left the hotel after three o' clock with deciding to have a stroll around the city. Amelia showing the brunette around as they held hands walking side by side.

They had a couple of drinks in a nearby pub and then decided on some Tapas for dinner. Big mistake for Amelia who was still hungry as she watched Liv eating her way through the dishes.

Liv was starving. She had half a Chicken salad sandwich on the train which tasted like mouldy feet and now with all this food in front she couldn't stop. She looked over suddenly feeling guilty as she noticed Amelia had barely anything on her plate as she continued to sip on her wine.

Liv suddenly felt self conscious. She had totally made a pig of herself in front of Amelia of all people. There was hardly much left for Amelia to enjoy. Liv chewed the inside of her cheek as she looked around the restaurant waiting for the waitress to come her way and waved her over.

"Would it be possible to get more of the prawns, chicken and potatoes please" Liv asked not even attempting the actual Spanish names on the menu.

"Of course" the waitress smiled heading off with the order.

Liv looked over at Amelia who had a weak smile on her lips as she stared at the brunette.

"I'm sorry for being a hungry fat bitch" Liv said causing Amelia to laugh at how crude the younger woman was. She could never get used to Liv's bluntness.

"I've ordered you some more, I promise they are all yours" Liv said holding her hands up innocently before drinking some water as she smiled at the dark haired woman.

"We can share" Amelia replied, her hand reaching across and taking Liv's in her own as she intertwined their fingers.

"I didn't think you were the sharing type" Liv replied. She couldn't help but think back to how Amelia reacted when she thought Liv and Emily were an item.

Amelia must have noticed to big smirk now formed on Liv's face as the brunette felt a subtle kick to her shin causing her to yelp.

"Oww" Liv yelped as she snatched her hand from Amelia's and attended her injured leg. Amelia rolled her eyes knowing well she had tapped the brunette with her high heel.

"I will share with you but no one else" Amelia said causing a goofy smile to appear on Liv's face. They continued to eat and when a fresh order of Tapas came Liv had placed each dish next to her lecturer encouraging to try them.

"Oh my god" Amelia hummed as she ate the food.

"No wonder you didn't want to share" she added whilst eating more prawns and then trying some chicken dish. Liv sat and drank more wine, ordering another bottle of the house white.

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