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Two hours and countless explosions later, we were done. The explosions weren't a part of the experiment. Some crazy kids just felt like messing around with chemicals and almost burnt down the lab. One girl even had her hair burnt. And the lucky floor got painted a beautiful rainbow colour.

"Now that you're done can you all leave? Please." Everyone could see the teacher was mad. I don't blame him. You wouldn't be happy if someone tried to burn your lab down.

"That was fun!". Dory came out laughing and holding her stomach

" yeah" I said dryly.

"Come on girl, don't you know how to have fun" She frowned.

"She sure does." A guy said from behind me. I turned to look at him. Short, dressed in a checked shirt tucked into a faded black jeans. I studied his face a bit more. He winked at me and smiled, revealing a set of brown stained teeth. Nope. I've never met him before.

"What do you mean?" I asked this stranger.

"You strip for fun." He smiled and winked again. Does he even look at the mirror when he smiles? Wait a minute! Did I hear him say strip? Yup. That's what he said.

"What nonsense! You must be one of those lowlifes who get attention by spreading fake rumours." I fired at him.

"Nope. It's true. Its on the wall outside."

The way he said it, so boldly, made me believe it was true. That he was saying the truth. He also pointed to the said wall just to be clear.

I ran out to check the wall outside and there it was. Boldly printed on a large paper for all eyes to see. It was a picture of my head,super imposed on a strippers body and it was a very ugly picture. I mean, they couldn't even find a good photo of my head. It was one from my eighth birthday this person decided to use. I remember when I took the picture because I'd celebrated my birthday in school that year. My hair was packed into two ponytails and I smiled revealing a set of chocolate stained teeth.

Now imagine that on a DD breasted woman gripping a pole. If I saw a stripper that looked like that, I'd think I was at a Halloween party instead.

"Well,well,well" Amanda clapped her hands behind me. "If it isn't.. Wait! What's your stripper name?" She laughed.

"Okay. I've had enough." Dory pushed past her and ripped the photo off the wall.

"Good luck tearing the rest that's pasted round the school. Oh! And don't forget the one close to the principal's office. If I were you, I'll rush to tear away that one first." Amanda snickered and walked out.

A few boys walked past us and started laughing.

"Is that the stripper? She's more beautiful in person but I can't say the same about her breasts." One of the boys commented. Now you'll be wondering how they knew it was me. These ungrateful humans all ate my birthday cakes those years ago.

I couldn't take it anymore so I did what I knew best. Cry. Crying is how I let out the pain I feel inside. It doesn't make me feel better but it stops me from feeling worse.

As I walked past the school football field, I saw them. The popular girls aka the cheerleaders aka my sisters and her friends.
They're talking to some girls and laughing. I used to laugh like that too. Until they felt I was doing better and declared me a threat.

A girl spotted me and they all started pointing at me and laughing. No need to guess what was the cause of their laughter. The most annoying thing was that everyone knew it was fake but still laughed at me and called me names.

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now