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Sure enough, I was what everyone was talking about during lunch break. I learnt -from the gossips -that everyone had known about my 'not-so-little- fight' with Dory and the video. And now, after hearing what Cameron had said,they were also beginning to think it was fake too. I even heard someone had gone as far as making a YouTube video; EVERYTHING WRONG WITH THE ERIC/BARBARA VIDEO.

I watched this video and saw how the person had expertly pointed out the falseness of the video. Then I read the comments. Everyone was talking about how right this person was. All except one. BootiliciousAimee. Did all her usernames have to be that?

She was talking about how she'd met me and I was a pathetic being who'd probably paid the guy to do that. I was beginning to suspect she was Dory. Probably a second account.

"Barbara, you haven't touched your food." Cameron drew my attention to my plate. It wasn't actually food. Just a large hamburger and a box of tropical fruit juice. I took a bite of the burger and returned my attention to my phone only to have it snatched out of my hand.

"If you continue reading what everyone has to say, you won't get over this."

"I'm not reading everyone's posts." I lied. "I just want to know why dory opened another account just to talk bad about me."

"Another account?".

" BootiliciousAimee."

"Babe,that's not Rory. It's Aimee. She recently became friends with Aurora. But she's been a long time friend of Eric though."

Aimee. Where have I heard that name before?
Yes. The girl that came in when Hailey and Laney were talking to me.

"Um, this Aimee, did she wear a blue top and a pink skirt today?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I just want to be sure it's the same girl I'm thinking about."

He started typing something on his phone. "This is her." He showed me a picture.

I knew I've seen her somewhere else. Besides this morning. This Aimee girl was the same girl I met at the wedding. Did she recognise me then? I don't think so. She didn't show it. She was only her proud self. Proud sister of a cheating woman.

"Forget her. Focus on you. Eat."

I'd forgotten about the half finished food in front of me. I didn't even have an appetite anymore.

"She needs to hang out with hot,popular girls." Eric's words that day in the restroom echoed in my ear. Hot, popular girls were the Queen bees of the school and he was....

"Barbara! That's it!" He snatched his phone away from me. "Can you stop this?".

"Stop what?." I was bewildered. "What do you mean?"

"Your reactions. Barbara, every time they say something about you, they wait for a reaction. And you give them what they want. They pick on you because they know it'll hurt you. They want it to. They expect you to cry and when you do, its like you handed them a golden trophy. You give them the satisfaction they..."

"Stop it! Stop sounding like dory. Stop pitying me. You think I like the fact that every single time I tell myself I'm strong and I'm not going to be hurt by them and I just do the opposite."

The bell rang, signifying the end of the break period. I stood up to leave but Cameron pulled me back.

"The hell you're going back to class looking like this." I swear I haven't seen Cameron this angry.

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