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All the sorrow may last for the night but joy comes in the morning.
The morning that singer meant was maybe years later because I woke up this morning to find my step mother throwing out things in my wardrobe.

"What are you doing?". I asked her, still rubbing my eyes.

She turned. "Good thing you're awake. Now, where do you hide your strip clothes?."

Seriously? She was also that blind.

"That poster's fake. I don't know why you can't just see."

"You don't talk to me in that manner. I heard what you did to your father. Well he's your father. I'm not your mother so I won't take such rude words from you" she said and turned back to my wardrobe.

"Well you won't find anything there. " I sighed and went into the bathroom.

I came back and she was gone. And I had a pile of clothes to fold. But the first thing I did was open the bottom drawer of the wardrobe. While in the bathroom, I'd remember I left my bracelet in the wardrobe and got so scared thinking she'd seen and taken it. Luckily, the bracelet had turned an uninteresting brown colour. And I know how much my step mother hates the colour brown.


Getting to school , everything seemed back to normal until...

"Hey look! The stripper is here!!" Someone screamed and everyone started laughing.

See,the joy didn't come in the morning. Just the sorrow continuing from where it stopped.
I tried ignoring them and walked to my class then stopped at the door.  What had Amanda planned for me this time? I wasn't ready to face her and I couldn't go back to those people in the hallway so I had to choose one. I  pushed the door open slowly  and braced my self for Amanda's taunts.

I closed my eyes and waited for her annoying voice. I counted. 3,2,1. I opened my eyes and looked around.
No Amanda. This is bad. No Amanda meant she was somewhere planning something worse. I didn't even want to start thinking of what she had in mind. It'll only increase my headache.
Speaking of headache, I already had a very bad one. Hitting my head like it was trying to find out whatever I did wrong in my past life to deserve this. You need to stop watching all those Indian movies.

I couldn't bear the pain anymore so I decided to go to the school clinic. Reaching there, I simply told the nurse I had a very bad headache. And instead of giving me a pain relief medicine, she started interrogating me.

"When did it start?", " Do you have headaches frequently?", " is it hereditary?",  "What do you take to stop the pain?" And so on. At some point, I was beginning to doubt she was a real nurse. Maybe she was one of those people who go to school to party and then pay to get a degree. Or maybe an undercover cop.
Finally , she gave me a few tablets and let me go.

Opening the door to my class once again, I walked in to meet the principal saying something to the teacher. She must have given some special announcement to the class.
Luckily,Dory was already seated so she could fill me in on what I'd missed.

"Now students, if anyone hears from Miss Phillips or has any vital information about her whereabouts, be sure to report to my office." The principal concluded and left with our teacher.

Miss Phillips. That's Amanda. So she didn't come to school today.
"What did the principal say about Amanda?". I asked Dory.

" Amanda's parents came to school this morning to report that she didn't go back home yesterday. They thought the school had a trip or something she didn't tell them about. All the students have said there was no party hosted yesterday so no one has any idea where she might be " she replied.

"Hmm. Well I don't want to seem evil but I'm a little bit happy she didn't come to school today. My family won't let me rest since yesterday's event. I don't understand how they can't see that image is photo shopped. It's so annoying".

She laughed." So you think they don't know its photo shopped. They do. They just want to frustrate your life. Just forget it. And I'm actually glad Amanda isn't in school today too. "

I smiled. At least I won't have to worry about any problems in school today.

Today turned out to be lecture free. Amanda's case was getting pretty serious. Her parents had involved the police and everyone was being called one after the other to the principal's office for interrogation.

"So miss Parker, when last did you see miss Phillips?" The policeman asked. He was a young man. Mid thirties I assume and he was also kind. Not like those men who'd force you to say what you don't know.

"Yesterday. After lunch break" I replied staring at my fingers. Nine long nails and a short one on my right thumb. I cut it outside when we were waiting in line to enter the principal's office. I had a bad habit of keeping very long nails and then cutting them when I'm nervous. But I don't bite them. I just use my other thumb like a razor and cut it.

"Did you and Amanda have a good relationship?".

This was a tricky question. Whatever I said carelessly could make them blindly accuse me of doing something to their daughter.

"No sir. Actually I have no relationship with anyone in this school except one person".

"Oh. okay then. So you last saw Amanda yesterday after lunch break. " he neatly wrote down on a white sheet he had filled with people's statements.

"Yes Sir. "

"Okay. You may go." He said. "Next". And a short girl with buzz cut came in.

I met Dory outside and we exchanged stories of what had happened inside the principal's office.

"Its just been a day and Amanda's parents are acting like she's been kidnapped." I heard a girl say to her friend.

"Yes. Who knows?. She might just be at her boyfriend's house or something." Her friend also commented.

"Even if she returns, I don't think she'll be coming back to this school."

All this talk was getting me tired.

I know you shouldn't be happy when someone gets missing, but if that person planned to make your life hell,then I think its okay to be happy.

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