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'The wind was becoming violent as the day grew dark. Bernice sat quietly at the same spot her mother had left her in the early hours of the morning. She hadn't left the small stool, not even for a second. Lightening flashed through the dark sky and she buried her face in her hands to escape the fearsome sight. She wanted mummy. Mummy made the 'evil' light go away. But mummy wasn't there. She began to cry. Thunder claps became her backup vocal.'

My phone started ringing, distracting me from the book I was reading. I wanted to know what happened to Bernice's mum.

"Hello." I said to the caller.

"Are you busy?" Almond whispered.

I looked at the book on my bed. I really wanted to drop the phone and continue reading but I found myself saying no.

"Great. I need a favour from you."

"Um, okay. What is it?"

"I'm about going to a party and I don't want the girls to come around me."

"Then don't go. Why do you have a problem with the girls anyway? I thought you'd jump at the opportunity."

"It's nice to know how you think of me." He said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry. But, okay. What do you want me to do then?"

"Come with me."

"What?" Is this how he asks people on dates? Wow! How gentlemanly of him.

"I can't refuse going to the party. The host is a good friend of mine. I promise we'll just stay a few minutes and then leave. Just let my presence be recognized. Please."

"Alright. Just a few minutes."

"I promise."

I hung up and jumped back on my bed. This book was tempting and I willing yielded to the temptation.

'Suddenly, the door flung open and a figure stood at the doorway. "Mummy!" Bernice couldn't help but shout. She jumped up and ran to hug her mother. "I thought I told you not to leave the chair." Her mother spoke in a virulent voice and pushed Bernice to the ground. The little girl was confused. Why would her mother do that? Then she saw. As the lightening flashed again, she saw the face of the woman she thought was her mother. The woman wore the same blue dress and carried the same black bag her mother had gone out with. But her mother didn't have red eyes. Her mother didn't have golden teeth that seemed so shark like. And her mother would never push her that way. "You're not my mummy!" She screamed.'

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