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Over the next few days, Cameron and I became good friends. He'd walk me home sometimes when dory had to be with her boyfriend. I even suspected that she'd asked him to keep me company when she's with her boyfriend so I don't feel her absence.

"Thinking again fairy princess?" Cameron asked as I hit my head on the wall instead of walking through the door.

One thing I've learnt about this boy is that he doesn't say sorry except he's at fault or after he's laughed at your misfortune as he was doing now.

"Yes. And why are you calling me fairy princess all of a sudden?." I asked rubbing my forehead. I could already feel a bump coming up.

"Oh that. Rory said to call you barbie and from the little I remember, she's always a princess. I think in one of them, she was a fairy princess. Hey!. Why are you laughing?".

"How could I not?. A boy just admitted to me that he watches Barbie." I continued laughing although my head was hurting. "I thought boys are always like 'barbie is lame. I can never watch that stuff.' ".

"If they had immediate elder or younger sisters, then they're liars. My elder sister never let me watch anything else. She even taught me some of the songs so we could do a duet together. What I'm saying is I have a good memory." He stated proudly.

"Yeah,yeah. I hope your good memory helps you in the physics test today."


"And I almost believed you had a good memory. Yes, we're having a test by 9." I said, hating to be the carrier of such news.

"The way we're having tests these days, it's like the school's trying to live up to it's name... Center score." He sighed "We learn a chapter and have tests on next three..." He was cut off by Dory's scream.

"Hey guys!. Sorry I'm late." She jumped on my back.

"Get off me you cow!". I said rather too late because my body couldn't endure her weight and we both fell down.
Luckily the class was empty except for the three of us, so there was no one to laugh except again, Cameron the clown.

"So what did I miss." Dory said dusting her pink -now pink and brown -skirt.

"Nothing much. Just know you have an hour to prepare for a physics test." Cameron replied bringing out a lot of text books and a comic book from his bag. I peered a bit more and saw it was an Archie comic book. I could always lay down my book for a good time with Archie and co.

"Test?. Didn't we have one last week?" Dory dropped her bag on the table.

"Tell that to the teachers who love grading tests rather than actually teaching." Cameron sighed as he began flipping through the pages of one book.

"So where do we begin?"

"I wish we knew. We did capacitance last week so I think this week would be electromagnetism or resistors or... I don't know. There are a lot of random chapters they could choose from." I was already getting frustrated just by looking at the table of contents in the book I was holding.

"Check this out!" Cameron suddenly exclaimed drawing out a piece of paper from the pile of papers and books on the teacher's table.

"Not now Cam. We're doing something serious here."

"Alright then. I'll just keep the information to myself." He said as he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

"Wait! What's that?". I asked. He seemed too serious about it.

" Area of concentration."

"Area of concentration?" Dory looked confused.

"He means, whatever is in that paper is what we should study for the test."

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