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"Thanks for the ice cream." I smiled as we got to my house.

"You're welcome." He had his hands in his pockets. "Although you should have told me you wanted to eat a whole drum instead of ordering little scoops till I couldn't count anymore."

"I only took seven. Okay that's way too much." I laughed and then it got silent. "Um, isn't this the part where we hug?" I said that without thinking. Immediately I thought of what I'd said, I wished I could take it back. Well, it was too late.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a bone crushing hug while I stood with my hands at my side for about five seconds and them I wrapped it around his neck.

A very annoying clearing of throat brought our short hug to a stop. I didn't need to turn around to see who it was. I just whispered goodnight to Cameron and stood till he disappeared down the road. That was a long time because he kept on stopping and turning to wave me goodbye. I finally turned around and -you guessed it- Eunice was still standing by the door.

"Where as you coming from?" She folded her arms across her chest and looked me dead in the eye as if to scare me.

"I went out with a friend."

"A friend? She has the guts to tell me she went out with a friend." She said to no one in particular. Except we regard the long-overdue-for-a-trim-flower she was currently facing, a person. "What is a young girl of seventeen doing "out" with a boy?"

"Definitely not what Laney did at seventeen that landed her in the hospital." I knew it hit her hard because her expression suddenly changed and she took a much longer time to reply.

Well, when I said reply, I didn't expect the kind of reply I got. I expected something verbal. If I didn't still feel the sting on my cheek, I would have thought I dreamed it.

"You slapped me?" I stated the obvious. Or in this case, asked. I don't know why I did that. Maybe because it sounded cool when I saw people in movies do it.

"Get out of my sight!" She screamed and no one told me to obey else I receive yet another slap.

Walking to my room, the laughs from Hailey and Laney's room didn't go unnoticed. Something made me stop and listen to what they were saying.

"I thought she'd get a bigger ass whooping" Laney laughed and Hailey followed suit.

"Did you see her-" she paused and laughed. "Her,her face?"

If I was still having doubts about them, this was more than enough confirmation that they were pretending.

"I don't understand what that Eric's cousin sees in her anyway."

"He's cute tho." I could imagine Hailey blushing. "But I prefer Almond. Why do these guys like her though?"

"Beats me."

I was done listening to them. I had bigger things to do like take care of the stinging sensation on my face before it left a mark.

My phone didn't let me get to the door when it started buzzing in my bag. I used one hand to push the door open while the other searched for the phone.

I had seven missed calls from Almond and I didn't hear one of them ring.


"Miss, it's been a long time since I heard from you." He greeted back.

"Yeah. It's been a busy week." I sighed and pulled off my shoes. I set them on the rack and then flung my bag on the bed.

"Hold on. Let's face time." He said and hung up.

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now