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Cameron accompanied me to my house. My door precisely. It was funny and kind of soothing to watch him act all big brotherly.
At the school gate, he almost beat up a boy because he laughed at me. I didn't want to stop him. I didn't stop him. A nosey teacher did. He came in just as Cam was about to throw a punch. It ended with the boys just saying sorry and going separate ways.

I stood at the door and waited for him to leave before I turned to open the door. Absentmindedly, I  inserted the key without checking if it was opened or not. As I turned the key, aunt Marie opened the door from inside and I almost collided with her.

"Um, Barbara," she straightened up. "Your dad's here and, and I don't know if ".

" I don't want to see him. If that's what you want to ask." I folded my arms like a child who'd just been told to stop eating cookies.

"But... Barbara, he's your father. I know he acts like an ass sometimes but he came to see you so you're going to listen to whatever he has to say. I'm not asking Barbara, I'm saying."

"Fine." I raised my hands up in surrender. "I'll go." I sighed and dragged my feet to the sitting room where I was sure to find the man I call my father.

"Barbara." He said and I just nodded my head in response. What was I supposed to say?

There was a long silence between us until he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry."

I laughed. I had to. "I'm sorry too. It's just that I already knew that's what you were going to say. It's so funny I know what you want to say. Am I psychic or is this some sort of father daughter bond?" When he didn't say anything, I continued. "So dad,I'm happy now. Happier than I ever was in your house. So, there. You have it. I'm okay. Isn't that what you came here for? To check up on me? I'm okay daddy. I'm okay. And to everyone who's with me out of pity, I'm okay." I said to no one in particular, but I knew who it was meant for.  

Feeling exhausted from my sudden outburst, I walked up the stairs to my room and slumped on my bed.
The lavender scented air freshener aunt Marie had sprayed earlier, lured me to a deep sleep.

I was woken up by an annoying noise coming from under my pillow.
I cursed -all thanks to Cameron - and took out my phone. I tapped on the screen and saw that the call was from a private number. Why would a private number be calling me? I hesitated a bit but then decided to answer. It could be anyone.

"Hey babe." The muffled sound came from the other side of the phone.

"Babe? Who are you?" I don't know why I wasn't scared.

"Just one little challenge and look how it got you."

"Eric!!!" I tried to press record but it wouldn't work so I decided to just talk. "You deserve an applause for the perfect job you did there. I give you that. Well done. What app did you use in editing the video?  I'd really like to know because I'll".

"It's nice hearing how hard you're trying to sound okay." He cut me off.  "Well, I don't have a problem with you. Not anymore. I only wanted you far away from my girl and nature seemed to agree with me. Perfect timing. " I could imagine him smirk.

"You think you shook me, think again Eric. You're only hurting your girlfriend."

"Sweet, sweet Barbara. Still thinking about the best friend who dumped her. Funny." He laughed. "You think she's hurt? Think again babe. While you're looking for ways to prove your innocence, I'm giving her reasons why she shouldn't be your friend anymore. Picture this : the jealous best friend who pretends to hate the best friend's boyfriend but secretly has a crush on him. Perfect. With you out of the way, Rory won't have a problem, oops! Said too much already " he hung up.

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