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Its been a week since Laney was hospitalized and in those seven days, I've been living in peace.
My step mother and Hailey were always visiting the hospital. Sometimes, Hailey would go alone. I guess its because of the twin bond or just because she's her sister.

Their behaviour was normal and expected but not my dad's. He'd been acting as if he just realized I lived in the same house with him. When I'd come back from school, he'd ask me how my day went and I'd just stare at him.

Today, he did one more strange thing. He offered to drop me off in school before going to work. I'd pinched myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming and had to rub the sore spot till I got to school.

I got to class to find Dory already seated.

"Hey." She smiled at me.

"Dory guess what." I said as I sank into my seat.

"You got a new boyfriend?."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't even have an old one."

"I don't know then. What is it?."

"My dad dropped me off in school today."

"What?.seriously?. Why?"

"Relax, Aunt Momo."

"Aunt momo. What's that?."

"A woman in a children's story who asked a lot of questions without waiting for an answer." I explained. "He's been acting fatherly since Laney's accident and I don't know if its a good or bad thing. By the way, where's Cameron?."

"I'm beginning to think that boy's going to replace me as your bff."

"What?.no!. There's no way I'll let that happen.

"Hey girls!." A familiar voice said behind me.

"Speak of the devil." Dory rolled her eyes and brought out her book.
Was she serious about the bff stuff?

"What's up." He said as he sat down.

"Nothing much. We're just waiting for Mr crane." I replied.

"And Rory,what's up with you and Eric?. He nudged her shoulders playfully. " he called me this morning and asked me if I could follow you guys to some place later this afternoon."

"Are you guys planning something without me?." I frowned.

"Oh no sweetheart. Eric and I are going on a picnic date." She smiled dreamily.

"And we've been chosen as the wheels of honour." Cameron added.

Cameron and I added continued talking. Our whole discussion was centered on the pains of third wheeling. When I turned back to face the board, I was greeted by a large sea of..
Just kidding!. It was organic chemistry and yes, there were Cs.
I looked at Dory and expected to see her sighing and lamenting on how she hates learning but instead,I saw her book filled with 'HCOs'.

Since when did she become the serious one?.

I brought out my book and started copying from hers,praying I was copying the right letters because one missing H can change butane to butyl.

At some point,she dropped her pen and sighed. "Can't this class just be over quick?."

"Dory, what's wrong ?". I asked and at the same time, feared what was going to be her reply. She wasn't one to get jealous easily but the way she had reacted when Cameron came in, got me thinking.

" I just want to see the place Eric said were going to have the picnic at. He said it's special. "

Really?. I got my brain worked up because of that?.

"Is that why you've been acting strange?". I wanted to confirm.


" first,the way you acted when I asked about Cameron and when he came in. Then, you were concentrating in chemistry class. Well, the first twenty minutes "

"Oh that. " she laughed. " I was just joking about the Cameron stuff. And I wanted to occupy myself with cyclopropochloro to forget about the date till school's over."

"Cyclo what?"

"Isn't that what he drew on the last line?".

"Its cyclohexane.!! Dory, please tell me I haven't been copying rubbish."

She just shrugged.

I'm doomed!!.
I turned to Cameron to crosscheck with his note and met an empty seat with the notebook on the table open. Then the wind blew in from the window, flipping the pages, recreating a scene I'd seen from one movie about an invisible girl.

"Cameron?". I called at the empty seat,stupidly.

Dory started laughing behind me. "Are you going crazy?."

"Miss Lance!." The voice of the teacher boomed making her stop abruptly.

"Sorry." She apologised.

He nodded and went back to drawing on the board.

"What did I miss?" Cameron reappeared behind me.

"Nothing. Where went you?".

"I went out to talk to Eric." He replied.

"Oh he's back!." Dory exclaimed happily and jumped up. "Excuse me sir,may I use the restroom?".
He nodded and she rushed out leaving me shaking my head.

"She's crazy about him." Cameron muttered behind me.

"Tell me something I don't know."

I wasn't jealous but at the same time, I didn't like it. The way she seemed to be obsessed with him was disturbing. I knew she wasn't coming back to class because she took her bag with her. How Mr crane didn't notice, I don't know.

"I wouldn't want to be in your head." Cameron said pulling me out of my sea of thoughts.


"There's a lot of thoughts running in there. How do you even manage to remain sane?."

"So you're saying people who think a lot are likely to run mad?"

The bell rang.

"Well, kinda. I know of a man who ran mad due to excessive reading. It's not the same thing but still. How far have you gone in the game?". He changed the topic.

" I'm stuck on Sims. I got married yesterday. " I laughed. If anyone else heard this, they'd think it was an actual marriage.

"Married?. I'm a man-whore on Sims. Why stick to one partner when everyone can have a share of sexy meat?."

"You're not sexy."

"That's not what the guys say." He flipped his imaginary long hair.

"Guys?. Do you mean boys or.."

"Guys." He laughed.

"Are you... Gay?".

Is he?

By the way, happy Valentine's day to all the lovely couples here and happy solo Valentine to me😊💖💖💖💖.

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(Its the season of love, people.)

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