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Happy new year sweeties!!!.

Before the story starts, I just want to ask. Who else does the new year, new me stuff and continues with his/her old life ?

I don't know how Dory's parents managed to convince my step mother to let me spend new year's eve with them. All I know is that they had a little talk and I found myself inside the car, on my way to the Lance's.
Those stuffs on the shelves and that new gas cooker by the door, that's how.

This little -or great act. Whichever way you see it- showed just how much they loved their daughter. They'd go as far as bribing just to get their daughter's friend to visit.

My step mother had been so happy when she saw them at the front door, ecstatic when they'd come in with the gifts. There was no way she would have refused whatever they'd asked her. Even if they'd come to buy me into slavery, I'm sure she would have still let me go. On discount.

I got to the Lance's by 10:00pm.  Dory was in the kitchen setting out ingredients for her mother to use in cooking. At first, it had surprised me to find her in the kitchen but then I remembered that she wasn't like any other rich girl.

"I knew it would work. " she said as she laid her eyes on me.

"What would work?" I was confused. I'd even turned to see if she was talking to someone behind me.

"Bribing your step mother, of course. I knew she could never refuse if my parents asked her." She smiled and dropped the basket of tomatoes she was holding and hugged me.

"You smell of garlic." I commented. I don't like the smell of garlic. I could eat food with garlic in it without knowing but immediately I perceived it, I lose my appetite.

"Yeah. Its the stew mum's cooking. You don't like garlic?"

"Just the smell." I sighed and stepped away from her.

"Alright then. We can talk from a distance. So how did it go?" She washed her hands and leaned on the kitchen cabinet.

So I told her every single thing that had happened. From my step mother's surprise to her 'out of this world' kindness and hospitality.  Dory's mother joined us in the kitchen and before I knew it, I was cutting vegetables and laughing.

  By 11:30 pm, Dory and I were outside with the neighbours ready to countdown to the new year. Fire crackers were already set and people were singing and dancing.

"Turn around and smile." Dory's mum said startling me. She was holding a camera.

A picture. Were they going to post it online?.

"She said smile not panic". Dory laughed, holding my shoulders.

I turned to her mother and smiled as the flash came on.

"One more before we start the countdown." She said and took another photo, smiling proudly as if she was taking pictures of us before we went to prom.

One turned to two and before we knew it, they'd started counting.


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