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It's been three days. Three whole days. Three days since that picture was posted. Three days since we went to the principal's office. Yes,we still got called in there.

I looked from my left to my right. On my left was Cameron, constantly squeezing my arm and telling me to be calm. I was anything but calm. I was nervous. The woman standing before me wasn't the friendly Mrs lance I met in her house. This was an angry woman trying to know the whereabouts of her child.

On my right was Amelia and seated next to her was Eric. They looked collected and sat quietly unlike me. Eric was annoyingly swinging a bunch of keys. Turned out I wasn't the only one annoyed by that sound.

"Mr Dean, will you stop swinging those keys or I'll have them thrown over the fence." The principal shouted. He stopped. "Now listen," she let out a deep breath, "This is the second time someone is disappearing from this school and you all know what happened the last time."

"What happened?" Aurora's mother panicked.

"She still hasn't been found." The principal answered,her voice low.

"Well, my daughter must be found, else" she left the threat unsaid.

The principal nodded. "Now Eric, do you have any idea where she might be?"

"No. She only told me she was grounded so when I didn't see her today, I thought they didn't let her come to school." He popped a gum to end his sentence. Can't he just act like he cared just a little bit?

"Well, she left the house early this morning. And you?" Aurora's mother turned to Amelia.

She was about to answer when my phone began to ring in my bag. I ignored it. The ringing finally died down and started ringing again, almost immediately.

"Miss parker! Turn that off immediately."

"Sorry ma'am." I brought out my phone to put it on silent mode but paused. "It's Aurora." I whispered, my voice shaking. I'd already pictured her tied up and forced to call someone to send a ransome. But why would she call me?

Her mother jumped and grabbed my phone from my hand while Amelia whispered "she still had her number saved?". Eric just shrugged.

Then Aurora's mother started speaking. "Where on earth are you?". We couldn't hear what Aurora was saying but I tried to read her mother's expression. "What do you mean you're fine? I'm at your school, worried sick and you're telling me... Accident? Where?" She mistakenly pressed the speaker button.

"It was just a minor accident. I'm fine now. I'm heading back home." We heard Aurora say and she hung up.

"I'm sorry." Aurora's mother apologised and hurriedly left the room.

"Alright." The principal slapped her palms on the table. "Since all that's cleared up, you may all leave." We stood up to go. "And Eric, you have one week of detention for skipping classes."

"Whatever." He continued swinging his bunch of keys.

                *End of flashback*

Aurora came to school the next day, looking so different. She wore more revealing clothes because what's there to hide anymore? People were quick to accept the new her. Everybody wanted to be her friend. It was like that picture was the key to her transformation to being the queen bee of the school.

Just a few months till our final year and she decided to change. She would have been the first normal rich girl in senior year.

"Barbara!! You have visitors." Aunt Marie shouted from downstairs.

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