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It was Saturday morning, my step mother and my sisters had gone out to a beauty salon. Christmas was in two days and they wanted to look their best.

Dad had also given me money to get a few things for myself. I guess the Christmas spirit visited him last night.

Dory and I had made a list of things I needed and she followed me to the mall.

"My mum asked me to invite you for Christmas dinner at our house." Dory said as we got to the cloth section.

"Your mum or you?". I smiled.

"Me. No. My mum. I told her and she agreed and said I could invite you over."

"Christmas at the Lance's. What's it like? Do you guys have hidden cameras in your house?. You know, keeping up with the Lances." We walked in. I'd seen a beautiful red dress  from the window and now I just hoped it won't be too expensive.

"No. Its just like any normal Christmas dinner. You don't have to worry about anything. Its just going to be dad, mum, you and I. " She said picking up the dress I'd been eyeing.

"That's the dress that drew my attention to this place. "

"Then what are you waiting for? I picked it for you anyway. Thought you didn't see it. Go on, try it on". She said and pushed me into the changing room.

"But, the price".I whined.

"Try it on first. If it fits, we're getting it. No ifs  and buts."

"You know they didn't give me a million right?". I sighed and took the dress from her while she closed the door.

I took off the blue shirt I was wearing and put on the dress. I tried pulling the zipper up but it wouldn't move.

"Dory!  I need help here. "

"Oh my God!. We're definitely buying this". She said standing at the door.

I rolled my eyes. " I can't even move the zipper ".

She came up behind me and zipped it up with ease. "It was just stuck. So what's your excuse now. "

"Fine. We're buying it. Now the next thing on the list."

Dory picked up an identical but purple coloured gown and we moved over  to the shoes section. It was busier than the clothes section so we had to be quick to pick whatever caught our eyes before someone else took it.

I spotted a sparkly golden shoe and bent to pick it up when someone's hand touched mine.

"Uh oh. You beat me to it." The female voice said .

"Sorry. " I said ,looking up at her.

"You!" We both exclaimed.

"Look at this beautiful pair I found". Dory said behind me. Oblivious of the Lady by my side.

"So you finally have a friend. That's nice." The Lady said.

"Yes". I smiled looking at Dory.

"Um, who's she?". Dory asked looking confused.

"This is the Lady I told you about. The one I met at the fair that indirectly gave me this bracelet."

"Nice to meet you." Dory brought out her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Darlene." She said taking Dory's hand.

"I'm Aurora. "

"Sorry. I forgot to ask you your name that night. What's your name beautiful?"

"Barbara. " I replied.

"Barbara". She repeated. She seemed to think for moment. "And what bracelet are you talking about?". She asked.

"It's what was inside that box. It's a charm bracelet that changes colour. " I smiled showing her my wrist.

" I see." Her phone rang in her bag. "I'll have to leave now. You can call me whenever you wish." She said giving me her complimentary card and left. She didn't take the shoe.

"Darlene kiz. CEO of kiz couture." I said, reading the name on the card.

"I know that place!" Dory  suddenly exclaimed. "My mum goes there to buy our creams and other cosmetics. Its managed by two sisters but I don't really know them. "

"Wow!. I'll like to visit sometime. " I looked back at Darlene as she left with her phone pressed to her left ear.

"No problem. I'll ask my mum." She said picking up another pair of shoes.

"Let's finish up with this first. My step sisters will be back home anytime soon. "

"Yeah. Don't tell them". She said.

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"Don't tell them you're celebrating Christmas at my house. They won't let you come. "

"You're right about that. " I agreed.

"I'll come pick you up and we can say were going somewhere. Your mother -sorry. Step mother- won't say no to me. ".

"Once again, you're right."

I got home five minutes past six.
Mother was sitting in my room, on my bed, crossed armed. Why did I forget to lock my room door?.

"I don't know why your father thought it was OK to let you go Christmas shopping by yourself. Now look at the time you're coming back". She said as if she cared about my safety. If you didn't know these people well, sometimes you'd think they actually cared.

" I'm sorry.  The mall was filled with people and it was hard picking the items I wanted. "

"See. That's why I wanted to do it for you. You wouldn't have worried about what you wanted. You'd have been satisfied with what ever I got you." She said. Thank heavens she didn't. Lord knows what kind of old fashioned clothes she would have dug up from an ancient dump site for me to wear.

"I'm sorry " I said again. Dropping my bags by the door. 

"One more thing, whatever you got for yourself now is useless because your dad got invited by a rich family for Christmas and he's to bring his family along. This family knows he has a wife and two children and I'm not going to lie that you're my long lost daughter.  That means you get to spend your Christmas alone. I don't care where you go.  Just be home before eight." She said leaving the room. 

I didn't get what she said. I'd been with them all my life so what family would know them so much as to invite them for dinner and not know that there was an extra daughter left in the house.

Well, not going with them meant I don't have to make any excuses as to why I want to leave the house with dory.

I rushed to lock the door and texted Dory.

Barbara: I'll definitely be coming to your house on Monday. I'll text you the time to come pick me up later.  I sent the message and smiled to myself. 

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