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Just as I'd expected, hoped and prayed for, my second, third and fourth day of school weren't as bad as the first. Everyone had gone back to minding their business, ignoring me way more than usual but it was cool. Once upon a time, I used to crave attention but after yesterday, I think I'm perfectly fine to be in the shadow.

Day five and everything was still going smoothly. As I walked past people in the hallway and saw some people on their phones, a boy stealing sandwich from his friends bag, the party girls talking about who did the deed last night and nobody whispering my name, I felt true happiness. Peace and calm.

With a smile plastered on my face, I opened the door to English class. The class was almost empty with just three students sitting in a circle. I never knew their names but damn! These girls could sing. They were doing a cover of Elle King's 'Exes and oh'.

"One, two,three they're gonna run back to me." I hummed as I took my seat beside the window. I love these seats because you can always look out the window whenever the class gets boring. One student had even jumped out once but I'm never trying that. He came back to school with a leg cast and clutches.

"They won't let go!!! Exes and ohs." The short one in the group was the one with the high pitched voice and she always finished their songs.

"You guys were great." I commended.

"We know." The short girl rolled her eyes at me.

"You didn't have to do that." Her friend frowned and muttered sorry to me as they started their next song.

"Where's the rest of the class?" Our English teacher came in with a purple paper bag. Miss veronica was a thirty five year old woman who looked fifty with her premature gray hairs and wrinkled face. But I loved the gowns she always wore to class. The one she was putting on today was a simple black knee length gown. It was cut low at the neck but not low enough to show any cleavages and it clung to her slim figure in a nice way.

"I don't know." I answered her since the other three girls were busy muttering something under their breaths.

"I'm going somewhere so just," she brought a black whiteboard marker and began to write. "Do this and submit on Monday. Make sure everyone gets it." She nodded at me and left.

Write a five hundred word essay on the day I'll never forget.

You know, the most annoying things about these essays is you never get a complete mark on them. I mean, you could be asked to write a composition about yourself and still score three over twenty. Teacher, are you me?

I wrote the assignment topic in my note book and bowed my head. At least I could rest before the next teacher came in.

The classes today got boring and boring as each teacher came in and finally, it was time to go home. Fridays were my best days because everyone came back late. Dad always had to do some extra work at the office, my stepmother chose Fridays as her beauty day, Hailey and Laney had cheer leading practice so I was free and alone till night.

I've heard people say they can't stay at home alone, its boring, etc... I swear, the best company you can have is you.

Well, that's what I tell myself since I have zero friends. Not counting my study buddies.

I tried putting my key into the keyhole while holding the door handle and the door squeaked and moved back a little. Somebody was inside. Somebody was back. This wasn't supposed to happen.

I pushed the door further and noticed that not just somebody but everybody was back. And they were all dressed up. Well, all except dad. He was putting on a grey T-shirt and jean shorts. He waved at me and walked towards his room.

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