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"I still don't want to believe this. It might be fake." I tried to assure myself. She couldn't do such a thing just for likes.

"Fake or not. It doesn't make it any better. I thought this was all over." He dragged his left hand down his face in frustration. Aurora wasn't my friend anymore but she was still Cameron's friend so I understand what he's feeling. "Now where could they just be?"

"Somewhere laughing at all the likes and comments they're..."

"Shh." He hushed me. "Listen."

I was confused. Listen to what? What exactly did he want me to... Then I heard it. The whispers that were growing louder as each person passed us. The hallway was becoming crowded and everyone seemed to have one word coming out from their lips. Aurora. As they passed, the name dragged along with them, touching and infecting everyone like some disease. They were doing what they knew best. Gossiping. I found out in that moment, that it didn't matter who you were. Rich or poor, popular or not. If they found out anything about you, the whole school was sure to know.

"Shit! Now the news is going to spread."

"It's already spreading." I rolled my eyes. "She posted it on Instagram, Cam. You don't post something there and expect people not to find it. It's like hiding a bright lamp on top of a hill. Everyone's going to see it."

"I know. I just didn't expect it to be too soon."

"Well, Almond called me. It must have gone very far. What are you doing?" I asked as he turned his back to me and brought out his phone.

"Calling Eric. He should know this is pretty serious. If this picture gets to any member of her family, who knows what's going to happen next?"

"Okay." For me, calling Eric was pointless. Who said he didn't know what she was doing. He probably encouraged her and helped her pick out the best one that will draw the most attention.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Cameron shouted. For a moment, I thought it was directed at me but then I remembered my last word was 'okay' and not 'I don't know'. He was probably pissed off at Eric. I don't know how Cameron can be so sensible and Eric, stupid. They have the same surname so their fathers must be brothers. I wonder if Eric's father had the black sheep gene.

Cameron continued to shout words until he got tired and hung up. "He claimed not to know about the picture. Then went on to say he's proud of her and she'll probably be the next Kim k. What kind of sick fucker is that?"

"Your cousin." I replied without thinking. He gave me a murderous look. "I'm sorry. Come on, we have a class to attend." I dragged his reluctant body all the way to the end of the hall, then up the stairs, down to our class.

We found two empty seats at the back of the class,close to the window. I love window seats because if the class gets boring, you can always find something outside to interest you. Cameron sat on one and I sat behind him. I could tell he'd be looking out the window the whole time.

Our chemistry teacher came in and started talking. For the past twenty minutes, the only thing I could get from him was 'molar conductivity' and that was because it was clearly written on the white board. All I could hear were whispers and the buzzing of phones.

All these girls that go from friends to worst enemies should please give me a tip on how to not care?  It's Aurora's head that's on the picture but I feel like it's mine.  Each time I hear a buzz, or a ding, I flinch as if they're about to uncover a secret I wish to keep hidden forever.  I hate this feeling.

My phone buzzed on my lap and I flinched again. Stop it Barbara!!
It was a text from Almond.

Almond: I'm sorry I sent you a wrong message. It seems she knows what she's doing. She said if her likes surpass all yours combined, she's posting another picture or a video. Instagrammers are going crazy. And this shit's pretty funny to watch. And since I have a whole lot of your pictures, I'm going to make it more fun. Sexy vs beautiful. Lol. What do you say?

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