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"I still can't believe this is our room." I said, referring to the large room aunt Marie had asked me to keep my bags.

"No. It's your room." She said, stressing the 'your'.

My room! All the girls in my class could fit in here and there'd still be space. The room had an almost king size bed, little white and yellow light bulbs all around, it even had a reading table and I've not even mentioned the wardrobe filled with clothes that made mine look like trash. How could this possibly be for me?

"Aunt Marie, do you..do you own this apartment?".

"The whole building." She smiled proudly. "Too much for a single woman?

Typical aunt Marie. She always boasted about her achievements as a single woman. She had a fashion house which brought her loads of money as she designed for celebrities. I don't know why but she never wanted to get married.

"I don't know. Why did you get...buy it?"

She frowned. "I think you should be getting ready for dinner instead of asking questions."

"I'm sorry." I apologised just as my phone rang. "Hey Cam." I said into the phone as I answered the call.

"Babe why haven't you been picking your calls?" His angry voice boomed from the speakers.

"I'm sorry. A lot has happened today and..."

"What happened?" He suddenly cut me off. "Is there anything wrong? We were all worried about you."

I took a deep breath. "Something happened." I still felt uncomfortable talking about cramps. " I had to go home and... And then my life took a swift turn. One minute I was in my house, the next minute I was being thrown out and now, I'm in this magnificent house." I said as I looked around. It still felt like someone would tap me anytime soon and I'd find out that I was asleep in maths class.

"Wait! What you're saying is, you were thrown out? Of your own house?"

I nodded although he couldn't see me. "And thanks to them, I now live in a magnificent house."

"So you're saying..."

"Cameron forget it!" I didn't mean to shout. I was just frustrated. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you and dory worried.  It wasn't my intention."

He sighed. "It's no problem. Have you spoken to Rory?"

"No I haven't. I'll do that right after you hang up."

"In that case,..." He hung up.

"Your boyfriend?" Aunt Marie raised a brow.

"What? No! He's my friend."

"Friend. Hmm." She smiled. "Alright." She stood up. "Dinner will be ready soon. How does spaghetti sound to you?"

"Awesome." I smiled back at her, a tear escaping my eyes.

  "Is this what having a mother felt like? Someone who wondered if you had a boyfriend, what you'll like to eat. Just caring.
Its funny how my step mother's sister turned out to be the mother I never had.

"Barbara!" She shouted from downstairs.


I dialed Dory's number as I walked down the stairs. It was as I pulled out my chair, ready for a sumptuous meal, she picked up.

"Hey babe." I said happily, already eyeing the food.

"Why didn't you come back to class?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I had to go home because I feared I was having cramps."

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now