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"Barbara, you okay?".
I looked up at the owner of the voice and back down at the poor paper I'd been venting my anger on. The paper did nothing to deserve the stabs it was getting. I'd wanted to doodle but I thought against it and began stabbing the paper instead. The funny part was I was stabbing it lightly. I was angry, yes, but not angry enough to destroy my pen and go out to buy a new one.

"Barbara?" Cameron called again.

"What?" I glared at him, holding my pen like a knife. I don't know if I was actually thinking of stabbing him or not. Maybe I'd have stabbed him lightly too. Just so I don't destroy my pen.

"You're still mad?"

"Do I look like I'm not mad? What other signs do you want so you know I'm super mad at y'all?"

"I'm sorry. But everything seems weird at the moment. I mean, the bracelet just disappeared and"

"Stolen, Cameron. It got stolen by your awfully annoying cousin. Wait! Why are you on their side?"

"On their side? No one's picking sides here. I don't even understand what's going on here."

"What's going on is that your cousin and my former best friend stole my bracelet and are somewhere laughing while all of you think it disappeared and it's really, really stupid to think that you actually believe them."

"Um, I didn't really understand what you were saying but I'm sure they're not with the bracelet. If anything, I think they're shocked too. Rory has been going on about how she thinks the bracelet is magic and stuff like that."

I let out a short, involuntary laugh. "Magic. You know, there was a post I saw on Instagram sometime ago. It read 'magic is science that we don't understand'. Science. What's wrong with you all? We're science students! That's beside the point. You know what? I'm going home."

"But school isn't over yet."

"Who cares!" I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.

"That's how someone started changing, you know!" Cameron shouted behind me. That's how someone started changing. Aurora!

I walked back to the classroom and sank into my seat. "Please don't talk to me for the rest of today."

"Are you begging me not to talk to you?"

"Just shut up!"

"Okay. Oh, sorry. I wasn't supposed to reply. Right?"


Finally, he stopped talking for that moment and for the rest of school hours. Well, he'd stopped using his mouth, so he started sending notes. The one he just sent read: Hey, do you want me to accompany you to your house? Or does the no talking policy also mean no communication at all?

I picked up my pen and wrote back: yes. It means no communication at all. Don't worry, I'll be happier tomorrow and then we can talk.

Immediately I passed it to him, he picked up his pen. I don't even think he read it. He passed another short note to me. All this for a bracelet?

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now