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"Cam, I don't think.." I paused to look at his face. He was already having a disappointed frown on his face. "Alright." I sighed. "But I'm actually doing this for you. Because you asked."

"Thanks babe." He pulled me in for a hug and aunt Marie coughed behind us making him chuckle.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked once he released me.

"When Rory's mother calls, you tell her you both went to a friend's house to read and you'll be back tomorrow."

"Will she?" .


"Okay. So if she asks to speak to dory?."

"Just say anything convincing. Look, I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable about this but it's the only way to.."

"It's okay." I lied. I didn't want him to know I didn't care about what happens to her. Or was that the lie? I knew that somewhere in my heart, I still cared about her.

"Okay. So,". My phone rang. "It must be her."

I nodded, confirming it was really her. Dory's mother. Then I answered the call. "Hello"

"Barbara dear, how are you?" Her soft voice breezed in from the speakers.

"I'm fine mum."

"Good to hear. Is Aurora with you?".

"Yes." I turned to Cameron. He was mouthing some inaudible words. "She's asleep though."

"Oh. Alright. I don't need to disturb her. When will she be coming back?".

"Tomorrow. You miss her right?".

"Yes I do. Come to think of it, I miss you too, Barbara. You don't visit anymore."

How was I going to lie about this one? 
"Um.... I just" she cut me off.

"I know you've been very busy dear. You can visit anytime okay? I have to go now. I'll call you later." She hung up before I could say bye.

"Satisfied?". I looked up at Cameron once my screen went black.

"You're making me feel guilty. I only wanted to protect her." He sounded hurt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way." I began but he was already turning to leave. "C.." I stopped myself from calling him back. "Good night." I said instead.

Surprisingly, he replied. And then I shut the door behind him.

Aunt Marie had already gone to her room and that was a good thing. I didn't want to explain things to her.


"So, we heard you ain't friend's with Aurora Lance anymore."

Hailey and Laney had surprised me by coming to my class this morning. It was the first time I was seeing them since I moved to live with aunt Marie.

"So? How does it concern the both of you?".

"Oh little Barbara. Don't try to act brave. I know you're sad. Your only friend has left you." Laney said with a smirk on her face. "Now you're not thinking of turning Cameron against them are you?"

How did they know all this? News fly remember?

"I don't know how all of this is your business."

This time, Hailey scooted closer to me. "Of course it's our business. You're always trying to be the best. Taking all the trophies, getting the rich bff, the hot other friend,"

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