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It was Saturday morning and I was woken up my an annoying creature on my bed.
No. It wasn't a spider, it was Laney.

"I know you're awake. Don't make me hit you once more." She huffed. She was holding a pillow. The one she'd unceremoniously woken me up with.

"What do you want?." I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Mum,Dad and Hailey have gone for some stupid stuff and won't be back till tomorrow." She said explaining why I didn't see anyone at home yesterday.

"Alright. So get to the point where you need me."

"Right. I'll be going on a date tonight and I'll be back by 1am. I want you to stay awake and wait for me."

"Okay." I agreed.

"What?" I knew she'd be shocked. "I mean, cool. Bye." She jumped off my bed and left the room.

Me,stay up till 1am for her. What made her think I'd actually do that?. I'd already planned other things to do while they're away.

Dory and I were going to have a sleepover at her house to make up for the times she'd spent away from me.

And Laney,she'd have to sleep at wherever her date decides to keep her. That's if he does decide to keep her.

Date.. I wish she chokes on something and embarrasses herself. Stop being jealous of people going on dates. Go get yours.

"Barbara!!!". Now what?

"What is it?" I voiced out my thoughts.

"Keep your phone on. I'll give my date your number to call you when we get back. In case I get drunk and can't remember a thing."

"Whatever." I said although I knew she couldn't hear me as she closed the door with a bang, indicating that she'd left the house.

I sighed and laid back on my bed and brought out my phone.
Piano tiles was a game Cameron introduced me to yesterday and since then, I've been hooked.

It was fun and a very good alternative for me since I couldn't play an actual piano to save my life.

I'd gotten two crowns in each level up till level 23. That was the level I was playing when my dear friend decided to remember me.

The buzzing sound and the text notification at the top of my screen distracted me and I missed a tile.

"You're going to pay for this." I scowled at my phone.

I read the text and got angrier.
Cameron: how far have you gone in the game.

Barbara:😡😡 level 23. If you didn't interrupt with your stupid text.

Cameron: 23? I thought you'd be in 64 or more.

Barbara: yeah. Because I'm the grand daughter of Beethoven.

Cameron: Anything is possible. You alone?

Barbara: what?.

It took two minutes for him to reply. Those two minutes I spent thinking of everything he could have meant by that.

Why was he asking if I was alone? Did he want to come over? Or did he... No. He's not that kind of guy.

Cameron: sorry, Manchester united just scored a goal. What I meant is, its hard to concentrate if you're not alone and you won't get past level 30 in a week.

Barbara: I got to 23 in a day. I can do it. And what channel are they playing on?.

Cameron: be in sports 2. You like football?

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now