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'Baby I'm preying on you tonight. Hunt you down, eat you alive. Just like animals, anim'

"Hello." I sleepily answered the call.

"Is the real Barbara back?"

"Cameron? Why are you calling me by this time of the night?"

"I think she's back. Well, I'm at a party and I remembered opposite universe Barbara loves parties so I thought 'why not invite her?' "

There's loud music playing in the background so I know he's not lying. "Cameron, it's 10:40 pm. How do you expect me to leave my house at 10:40 pm? Do you want me to get kidnapped?"

"I could come pick you up."

I ignored him and continued, "Look,you just ruined a good dream I was having and now I have to go back and try to continue from where I left. I'll talk to you in the morning."

"I really like the other Barbara" he whined.

"Goodnight Cam."I hung up and looked at my phone. 10:43 pm. Party. Hmph!

I was about putting it down when I saw an Instagram notification. Normally, I would have thought 'why did I leave my data connection on?' but this was a different case. This was a DM from someone I didn't expect to see again. Not like I've seen him physically though. The guy I had a 10 seconds crush on. And he sent me a message in the middle of the night. And no, it wasn't a long romantic poem or even a cheesy sentence. He just sent the simplest words, no word his phone could type. Hi.


"Good morning aunt"

"Good morning Barbara. How are... What the fuck!!!"

"What?!" I immediately spun around to find what made her scream like that. I found nothing.

"Is this real? I mean, that thing in your hands. I'm not dreaming am I ?"

"No, you're not. " I dropped the tray on her bedside table and pinched her to prove my point.

"Ouch! Alright, it's real. Now why? Did someone call you lazy? Did anyone say something to..."

"No aunt. No one did anything. I just decided to prepare breakfast this morning and you should be thanking me instead. I've been standing here for five minutes waiting for a thank you."

"A thank you? You made me bread and eggs for a thank you."

"And tea." I added.

"Let's make a deal. You make me lunch and I give you a hundred thank yous. I'll even write it down. In my secondary school days, our seniors normally made us write those stuff: 'I will not disrespect my seniors anymore' hundred times."

"You went to a boarding school?"

"Yes, I did. And.. Mmm. This sandwich is just perfect. And you know just the right amount of pepper to add."

Right amount of pepper meant adding much pepper until your eyes watered.

"Aren't you going to school today?"

"I am. I'm just waiting for Cameron. He said we should go together today."

"Hmm." She gave me a knowing look.

"He's not my boyfriend." I immediately defended.

"I didn't say anything." She smiled and sipped her tea. "Be careful okay. "

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now