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"So who are we visiting?" I asked as Dory stopped a taxi.
The middle aged man asked where we were going.

"Its a surprise." She smiled as she gave a note to the driver. "Get in". If it were someone else, I would have thought it was creepy the way she'd given him the note and he nodded knowingly. But this is my best friend and I trust her with my life.

It was a long silent drive to wherever we were going. I was looking out the window when my phone buzzed on my lap.
It was a message that read " I like your bracelet. C.D".
C.D. the same person that texted me on new year day. If this person knew about my bracelet, that means he or she goes to my school. And why was this person texting me anyway?

"We're here." Dory shouted and tapped me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked up. Kiz couture. We were in front of kiz couture.

"Why didn't you tell me we were coming here?"

"Surprise?" She rolled her eyes.

We were cut off by Darlene. "Barbara, Aurora. Come in" she shouted from behind the glass window. Did Dory call her and tell her we were coming? I pushed the thought out of my mind and held Dory's hand.

We walked inside the large building and I stared in awe.
On the left corner were hair accessories of all sorts. Weave on, hair clips, hair bands, hair everything. Then there was a sign that showed that clothes and other beauty products were upstairs.

"This way" Darlene said leading us to the right corner. She opened a door that read 'office' at the top.

Inside, there was a lady busily typing on her laptop. We greeted her and she just nodded, too occupied with her work to even reply.

"Wait here. I'll go order something for you two." Darlene said and left us with the busy lady.

"Why aren't you both in school?". Busy lady said finally looking up from her work.

"Um.. Today's lecture free. " Dory replied.

"I see." she eyed us with a look that you could find in the picture dictionary if you looked up the word suspicion. "So how do you know my sister?".

Ugh!! Interrogations. First the police now her.

" I met her months ago at a fair and then we met her few days before Christmas. That's when she gave us her card and said we could visit anytime. " I replied looking at my palms. They had pen ink stains on them. I hate when that happens. I started rubbing my palms together trying to wipe off the stains. It was working.

Wait! Sister?
So this is Darlene's sister. But Darlene's friendlier. This one had an I'm-a-working-lady-leave-me-alone attitude. I'm glad I met Darlene before her sister.

"What are your names?". She asked, adjusting her thick framed glasses. They looked too beautiful to be medicated so I concluded that they were just to complement her attire and make her look more serious.

"Ah!. Finally Cassandra speaks. " Darlene said holding a tray in both hands and kicking the door shut.
The lady,Cassandra,just rolled her eyes.

Darlene laughed. "Aurora, Barbara meet my overworking older sister Cassandra kiz. It's a miracle she shut down that laptop. Been working since five am." She said setting the tray on a small table between Dory and I. "So why aren't you both in school? If my clock is right, I believe its school hours."

"Today's lecture free. Actually there's a case in school the police is investigating. "

"Oh! What's it about ?" Darlene asked, seeming interested. I liked the way she was. I felt like I was talking to my friend not just a rich stranger.

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