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I don't know if every girl is as crazy as I am. I mean, who makes a long note about her first kiss and saves it in her phone so she never forgets? Me. I don't want to forget it. I want to remember it so I can tell my daughter how mummy's first kiss felt. Do mothers do that?

I have no problem storing it in my phone because one; I don't keep diaries.

Two; no one's going to see it. My phone's unlock pattern is so simple no one's even going to think about it if they try to unlock my phone. Cameron's tried before and it was funny to see him trace zigzags and other confusing lines.

Three; no one reads notes. The first thing most people check is your gallery. And some people check for games. I check for games. I've never seen anyone say 'let me click on that boring notebook icon.'

I tried as much as possible to remember every single detail and not make it fictional. It was the truth and nothing but the truth. I didn't write about how his lips tasted like cinnamon and he smelt like burnt wood and rain and all those strange smells some people find sexy. I didn't even know what he smelt like. Alcohol? No, no, no. It wasn't a drunk kiss. He didn't slur and talk nonsense.

Aunt Marie's name came up on my phone screen, reminding me that I was still alone at home. I answered the call.

"Oh Barbara sweetie I'm really sorry." Was the first thing I heard after I said hello. Sorry for what? That's what I asked her. "I can't make it back home today. Or anytime soon. You see, there's this fashion show in Paris and I got invited. And I don't mean as a guest to just sit in the crowd and watch people walk past in beautiful dresses. I actually get to show off some of my designs. Isn't that awesome?!" She totally went from remorseful to super excited. I was excited too.

"Aunt Marie, you don't need to be sorry. You should have started with 'guess who's going to Paris to show off her awesome designs?'. Yes. That's how you should have said it."

"I was worried. Other times, I know when I'll be back so I don't worry too much about you being alone. I might be away for a week or two." Why doesn't this woman want children? She'll make a great mother.

"I'll be fine. As long as you come back with lots of goodies.".

"Sure thing. I was wondering," her tone dropped low. "I was wondering if you'd like to go stay with your father till I get back."

"NO!" I shouted without even thinking. "I mean, I love him and all that but I can't go there. Aunt Marie you know how my stepmother is."

"I know. But now you have your sisters back. They'd be great company." Oh shit. She didn't know. I couldn't even tell her they were pretending and wanted me out of their life for good. If there was a way they could scrape out my last name, they would have done that a long time ago.

"I'll be fine. I promise." I assured her.

"If you say so." I heard Darlene telling her to pass her the scissors. "I've got to go now. We're making a wedding dress."

"Alright. Talk to you later."  Immediately she hung up, I saw the time. 12:50am. How did she know I was going to be awake by this time? Or was she going to keep calling till I woke up and picked up my phone?


I lied. I'm not fine. I woke up very late today, had my bath and rushed to the kitchen expecting my usual breakfast. But I was greeted by a very dirty kitchen and no food on the stove. I'd forgotten to wash the dishes and I didn't have time to either cook or wash. I was already late for school. Praying, I ran to her room. Hopefully, she'll have biscuit or whatever I can eat on my way to school. My stomach rumbled as if saying 'I hope so too.'

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