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It's been.... Oh wait! I don't even know how long it's been or what day it is. It feels like it's been months but I know that's not true. The funny thing is ; I've been attending classes. I know I have because I remember going to school yesterday but I don't know what day it was.

Now standing in front of my class, I felt like I was forgetting something. My brain kept telling me it was something very important but it wouldn't tell me what it was.

"Why are you standing outside? We have ten more minutes before the exam starts." I heard a voice say. A very familiar voice.

I cocked my head to the side and looked up at the person.

"Exam?" I'm sure I looked stupid at that moment. Who forgets an exam? Me, of course.

"Look, I don't know what you're playing at but biology starts in ten minutes or less." She said and pushed past me.

"Oh my God!". I had biology exams this morning! This week was exam week! So that's the important thing I was forgetting. Now I remember why I was lazily picking up my textbook and dropping it back down whenever I remembered Aurora.

Now I understand why I didn't feel this bad when she'd first left me. Because she never did. Somehow, she'd always been there. But now with the knowledge of all that was going on and her sudden transfer, I felt sick. 

"Are you for the class?" Someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Yes." I immediately wiped my eyes and walked inside.

To a very full class.

I could have sworn this class had less than fifty students but the number of heads I was seeing were going to a hundred. I mean, some people were standing.

"What the fuck!" Someone said behind me. I turned to laugh at the person but locked eyes instead with Mr Roger. Was he the one that asked me the question outside? "Who are you all?" He asked the class.

The whole class replied by laughing.

"Seriously, am I in the right class?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Um, alright. Okay. Um, get seated then. I'll give you five minutes to get ready." He sighed and went over to his table.

I turned back to the crowd, looking for a nice place to stand, at least.

"Hey. You can share with me." The girl I'd met outside earlier grabbed my bag.

"You don't mind?" I asked just to be polite. I was already dropping my things on her table.

"Sure. Sit." She smiled.


"Okay, look," she began once I was somewhat comfortably seated. "I didn't read much for this exam so,"

"So you offered me a seat in exchange for answers." I completed her sentence. She simply nodded. "What if I tell you I didn't read much too?" Which was the absolute truth. I didn't read much.

"Come on," she rolled her eyes. As she did that, I noticed her eyes were weird. I guess they were contacts because I've never heard of anyone with lilac coloured eyes. "I know you. Everyone knows you're smart. Help a sister out please."

"I'll try."

Déjà vu.
That's what they call it. A feeling that one has seen or heard something before. That's what I felt when I saw question number five on my paper.

"Do you know that one?" 'Lilac eyes' nudged my elbow.

"I think I do." I whispered and began thinking. Metachrosis.... Colours.... THE BRACELET!! I remembered where I first saw that word. With everything going on, I'd completely forgotten about the bracelet. Thinking about it now, a part of me felt that the bracelet had something to do with that test question.

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now