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"Hey! Barbara! Hey!".
I turned slowly,mentally cursing whoever it was that stopped me from crossing over to the other side of the road. Seeing who it was, my lips automatically curved into a smile.


She pulled me in for a hug and it was then I realized she'd been running. Hearing her heartbeat so loud and close felt weird. I don't know how you're going to ever be a doctor.

"How have you been? You and Aurora didn't come back to visit." She said as we both walked down the road.

"I've been doing great. Dory and I have just been busy. Sorry for not visiting as promised."

"Dory?" She raised a confused brow,"who's Dory?"


We continued till I noticed we were about approaching my house and I paused.
Was I ready to take a stranger into the house? What if my step mother embarrasses her?

"Darlene!!" A man called from a distance and I watched her cheeks turn rosy and her eyes sparkle as she waved at the man.

"Make sure you and Aurora visit soon." She said and made her way to the man.

He must be someone she admires.

I got home to meet Hailey and Laney sitting on my bed.

"Hey sis." Laney was the first to stand up and give me a hug. Hailey followed while I stood as still as a statue.

"Are the both of you high on something?" I asked as Hailey let go of me.

"Oh you're back." A familiar voice said behind me. It was then I understood what the hug was for. They were playing good sisters once again. Why? Aunt Marie was here.

I was in no mood to play. "Aunt Marie!" I turned to hug her. "I see you're back for more drama."

"What!" Hailey and Laney exclaimed at the same time.

"What I mean is, I need a long bath and when I come out, I'll be filling aunt Marie with the juicy details." I turned to aunt Marie and winked. The happy woman winked back,not understanding what I meant.

I came out of the bathroom and again, I met Hailey and Laney sitting on my bed. They were both glaring at me and I cleverly hid my left hand in my towel. There was already drama going on and I didn't want a new one to spring up because of my bracelet. It's been acting funny recently. Sometimes it would have a rainbow crystal kind of glow,sometimes it would be black and other times, it would just be normal.

"What do you think you're doing?" Laney asked as I opened my wardrobe door.

"Getting fresh clothes to put on" I replied. I took out a pink hoodie gown with a crown designed in silver at the front. Dory had given it to me the last time I'd visited her and she decided we exchange clothing. I'd given her a black oversized polo shirt with the words 'I rule' written in front and she'd hugged me like I'd given her a rare diamond.

"You know what I mean. What juicy details do you want to tell Aunt Marie?" Laney continued "Barbara, if you dare open your mouth and tell Aunt Marie that.." The door opened and the subject of the discussion walked in.

"Tell Aunt Marie what?"

"That they've been lying to you for a year now".

"What do you mean?" She say on the bed and patted on the space beside her for me to sit. This woman sure loves gist.

"Remember the last time you were here?" I asked and she nodded.

"Barbara, don't try anything stupid." Laney warned but aunt Marie held up her hand for her to shut up.

"I wasn't living a happy life as I-we pretended." I continued. "That fair,I wasn't even meant to go. I was just a last minute option. They didn't take me anywhere as they claimed. Aunt Marie, Laney, Hailey and their mother hate me so much. I always thought it was because of some stupid competition I'd won with no trophy at home to show for it due to their jealousy but no. They'd always hated me but I wasn't a threat till they discovered I could be better than them. They". The door opened, interrupting me.

" Marie, you're here!" My step mother came in, put on a fake smile and went to hug her. Aunt Marie stood up and gave her a shocking slap. And I mean shocking. We all stared at them with wide eyes. Even aunt Marie looked at her hands before raising them and giving her another slap.

"How could you threat her like that? And even poison the minds of your children. Eunice,I'm ashamed of you. "

Before my step mother could say a word, aunt Marie dragged me out of the room.

"And you, I'm disappointed. Why didn't you tell me sooner? You're too young to live this kind of life. "

"Its too late." I sadly replied. "Too, too late" my sentence was punctuated by a bag hitting my back. My bag to be precise.

"Since you don't appreciate my kindness in letting you live here, you can leave with your oh-so-loving aunt." My step mother shouted and threw yet another of my belongings.

Aunt Marie just smiled. "You know, I was here to take you to my new house for a week or two but now," she said, picking up my bag " I think its going to be permanent."


"What do you mean by permanent?"

"Are you blind? Can't you see you're no longer needed here?" She sounded so much like Dory. Dory!. I forgot to call her and let her know I went home. Well, former home.
I took out my phone and as I unlocked it, another bag hit me.

"Text whoever later. Right now, we need to get your things out of this place." Aunt Marie said and carried the bag that had hit me.

It was happening so fast. I was finally leaving this hell but it seemed too good to be true. Or was it a plan? Stay and continue living with the devils or leave and start life afresh. It's not like you're changing school. True. But dad. We just started bonding. Bonding? If he were here, he'll probably throw you out too while whispering a silent sorry. True once again.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come to get you earlier. It's your fault though but I'm still sorry. "

"It's no problem aunt. Thank you. " I said as I put the last box inside the car.

I entered into the car and aunt Marie didn't let me bid farewell to the house I'd lived in for sixteen years and ten months. Immediately I buckled up, she sped off as if she was being chased by the police.

My phone rang in my bag and I remembered Dory. I unlocked it to see 25 missed calls, the last one from Cameron. I also had 12 unread messages. The last one also from Cameron. It read 'you need to call ASAP. Rory is mad AF.'
She sure had to be. I didn't tell her I was going home.
As I was about to call her, I was interrupted by aunt Marie suddenly hitting the brake.

"We're here."

Hey guys,
Sorry for the late update.

What do you think of aunt Marie's decision?. Is it a good or bad thing?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share😘😘

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