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I woke up this morning trice. By 2am to remove my jeans and put on something more comfortable. I woke up again by 3:30am. I didn't know message tones could be so loud at that time of the night. I just hoped it wasn't an emergency because I was too tired to even understand the words dancing on my screen.

The third time  was sometime around 6am. Now I knew I woke up by exactly 2am because I used my phone as a torch to get to my wardrobe. 3:30am because of that text I still haven't read. But I didn't know exactly what time I woke up the third time because I just jumped up from bed and rushed to the bathroom. Spent a lot of time having my bath/doing a live performance with Beyonce in the shower. When I got out to check my phone, it was 7:15am so I know I woke up sometime around 6am.

I quickly opened my message box, hoping it wasn't something really serious. I mean, why would someone send me a text at 3:30am? That's the time normal humans slept. Even people who went out to party would be asleep by then.

I began to read. 'Barbara, I must say, I'm slightly disappointed in you. I learnt earlier today that you and Aurora stopped being friends a long time ago. A long time, Barbara. Oh! And that time I called, you lied. You weren't even friends then. I still wonder why you covered up for her though.' Cameron, that's why. I continued. 'Now, I'm not sending this text to rant about how perfect my daughter is -which would be a very big lie at the moment- and how you shouldn't have stopped being her friend. I'm sending it to ask you why you didn't let us know the truth. The night I called, I knew something was off about her. She said she was at your place to study but I remembered her leaving the house with make up kits and no books. So I'm disappointed that you lied. You were the only real friend I've seen with her in years and now, now she's going wild. on't know the new type of friends she's seeing but I do know they're a bad influence on her. I hope you understand and let go of whatever she did to you and help me. She's grounded for now but that wouldn't change her behaviour. She'll still go to school -I can't control that- and meet those poisonous people so I need you to watch her for me. I hope I'm not asking for much.
                                                      Mrs lance.'

Phew!! That was a very long letter. I wondered how long it took her to write it and then I felt bad. She'd taken so much time to write that and I wasn't going to reply her. How do I tell her that her daughter is obsessed with her boyfriend and is ready to play the blind mouse for him. She hates me but I couldn't just snitch.

I dropped my phone on the bed with a sigh and got up to dress up for school. Mondays are always stressful and I was beginning to have a headache.


"Hey Cam." I smiled as I walked over to his table. The class was surprisingly empty. Apart from him, of course. "No classes today?" I asked, really hoping he'd say yes.

"Just first and second period. The teachers are having a meeting in the principal's office. Something about how we should have more homework everyday."

"I hope they all vote against it." But I know they won't. They're so in love with tests and assignments I don't think they can pass an opportunity like this. "So, how was your weekend?"

"I thought as much. You ignored me all weekend and come to ask me how it was. Well, it was awesome. And you had fun."

"It's meant to be 'I ' had fun" I corrected him.

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