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Thanks a lot (a whole lot , infinite number of lots) for giving this book 5k reads. Too bad I'm not bill gates else y'all would have gotten thank you in the form of credit alerts. Oh well, a girl can wish.

Sit back -or lie- and enjoy this makeup tutorial.

She looked at me and then shook her head. "No, baby. I don't. Eunice never said her name. Only that she's "

"A gold digger. And I was unwant.." Aunt Marie placed a finger on my lips.

"Never say that word. And from the little I know, your mother wasn't a gold digger. She's a rich woman. Somehow like me. I never heard Eunice complain about her needing money or anything in the nine months she had you."

"After that?"

"She gave you to your father. It was his idea after all. He could have easily asked her to pop a pill and end you but he didn't. He begged to have custody of you. "

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Every story I heard always had one meaning. My mother didn't want me. So why should I keep thinking about her?

"Because she's your mother." Aunt Marie suddenly said. Had I asked that out loud? "It's okay and completely normal to think about her. "

"Well, I don't want to anymore. Last night was awesome." I suddenly changed the topic.

"Says the girl who didn't want to come. Why don't you join the modelling agency?"

"Um, maybe I'll try sometime. But doesn't modelling like, require me to be a stick figure? I want Nicki's body."

She laughed. "Who said that? You don't have to be a stick figure to be a model. And you know Nicki's body's fake right?"

"I still love her. " I said and stood up. "Since I'm not going to school today, I might just spend the whole day watching TV. You have MTV right?" I turn to look at her.

"What am I ? 80? Of course, I have MTV and Trace and all those other music channels with those sexy artists. Big Sean, Drake".

"Aunt Marie!" I exclaimed.

"What? Can't a girl dream?" Just then, the door bell rang. "Keep yourself busy. I'm sure it's a client." She said.  Adjusting her robe, she walked to open the door.

I turned on the TV and quickly scrolled to MTV. They were playing that funny song. The one that went viral sometime ago. I keep forgetting it's name. Yes. Man's not hot. Some people really get lucky. This guy's just came up with a catchy verse and BOOM! He's shaking hands with DJ khaled and the other artist I don't remember.

Somewhere in the middle of a boring song. Waking up again,I felt very hungry. I actually had a dream where I'd cooked varieties of good and as I was about dishing out  a portion for myself, I woke up. I could still hear aunt Marie talking to her client which made me wonder if I'd even slept for 30 minutes. I checked the time. "4:15pm!!" I didn't mean to shout that loud but I'd slept from 11:something am to 4:15pm.

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