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Barbara_parker: Are you into photography?

Almond_jordan: yeah. Kinda. Sometimes I take photos of people and sometimes I just edit. So far, I've only gotten to edit yours.

Barbara_parker: so, do you want to take a photo of me ?

I waited for half an hour for his reply but it didn't come. As I was about dropping my phone, it rang.

"Almond?" I blurted out.

"No. It's Cameron." He flatly replied.

"Oh. Sorry." What was I thinking? Almond doesn't have my number yet. "So, why did you call?"

"I just wanted to check up on you and I can sense you're having fun."

"Yeah. So". He hung up before I could say another word. Did I say anything bad to annoy him.

" Marie this is too much. I've let you keep her for months. I thought you'd come to your senses."

"Senses? What do you mean by... Oh! Senses is when I become evil and heartless like you right?"

"You know what, I shouldn't have even let him keep her. She should have been sent to the farthest orphanage we could find. That would've been heartless. I shouldn't have fed her. I shouldn't"

"Enough Eunice! She's your husband's daughter and he had every right to keep her, whatever the circumstances. Feeding her? Do you think feeding her is enough good to cover up for all the bad you've done to her?"

"I've seen people do worse. She should be thankful."

It's very clear it's my stepmother arguing with aunt Marie downstairs. But what did she come for? A normal sisterly visit or to take me back. From what I've heard, I think it's the latter.

"Barbara!" I heard my stepmother shout, "Barbara I know you're up there and you can hear me. Come down this instant!"

At times like this, I hate that I'm not 18. I'm not even 17. The few days to my birthday seem like years now.

I sat back on my bed, hoping that if I ignored her, She'll give up and leave.

I was wrong. She marched up the stairs and pushed my door open before I could even stand up.

"I knew you were inside, you witch. You're enjoying this right? Turning my sister against me."

"She isn't doing anything Eunice, you're just being a bitch." Aunt Marie came in and stood by the door. I don't know where she's been getting it but she's been cussing a lot more recently.

"Just listen to yourself." My stepmother pulled me up. "Your little holiday's over now. Pack your bags, you're coming with me." She commanded.

"It's not a holiday if I still go to school. And why do you think I'll do as you say ? Leave this place and follow you to where I know 100% that I'll suffer. No. I'm not leaving here until aunt Marie says so herself." I folded my arms to emphasize my point.

"Until aunt Marie says so. Fine then. You can stay. I was only trying to help you, Marie. Watch her carefully. Especially when you bring your boyfriends home. Whoredom runs in the blood you know." She laughed and walked out.

She just casually called my mother a whore and called me too. I hadn't even had my first kiss and her daughters have shared diseases with every boy labelled 'hot' and yet, I'm the whore.

"Barbara," Aunt Marie cupped my face.

"I'm okay." I replied without her asking me. "Are you?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She smiled. "I won't be home today. I have a party to attend. I was preparing to leave before she arrived."

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now