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"You're saying those words like you hate me now (wo-oah)
Our house is burning when you're raising hell (wo-oah)"

"Is that the new Samsung phone?" Aunt Marie asked as she sat down beside me on the couch. I scooted a bit to the right to give her more room. It wasn't because she was too fat to fit into a settee but because I wanted to lie on the couch instead of sitting.

"M hmm." I replied while typing 'what is the title of the song used in the new Samsung advert' into the Google search box. I know it's long but it's direct. That way, I don't get lots of irrelevant stuff on the first page because let's face it, no one ever clicks on that 'page 2'.

"I have something to discuss with you" she said just as LSD-thunderclouds appeared on my screen. So that's the name. I assumed a sitting position to show that I was ready to discuss whatever it was.  "Since I'll be moving tomorrow I thought that...."

It took me a few seconds to understand what she was saying. Moving. Where? Then realization dawned on me. She was moving. That meant I had to move too.


She looked shocked for a moment and then collected her thoughts. "Tomorrow."

"And you tell me now?!" I didn't mean to shout. It just came out. But I'm sure anyone would've done so if they were in my position.

"I told you sometime last week and you were okay with it. What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I couldn't remember when you said that." It must have been during my zombie time. I wonder what else she'd told me and I'd zoned out.

"Hmm. Alright. That means I'll have to recap." I nodded in response. "I'm moving to south Africa."

"South Africa? That's too far."

"Yes. I know but Darlene has nice designers there. You should see their designs." She said with enthusiasm and proceeded to show me her phone. She was right. Their Ankara designs were on point. There was one particular design I really loved. It was a blue and gold coloured gown with little stars embroidered in it. The gown had a slit starting from mid thigh and flowed to the feet of the model.

"So how long will you be there?" I took my eyes off the pictures.

"About a year or two. And then I'll be going to Paris."

"You're never coming back?" I had a bad feeling she was going to say yes. She was definitely going to say yes.

"That's what I wanted to discuss with you. I'll be moving up and down for at least five years. I feel it's time to make a name for myself. And I wouldn't be able to do that if I don't step up my game. Learn new things. It will be hard for you staying all by yourself for... What are we even saying? You're not an adult, Barbara. I can't let you be all by yourself for that long."

I sat patiently, slowly tapping my forefinger on my lap as I waited for the sentence I didn't want to hear. But I know I was going to hear it.

"I've spoken with your dad. He'll be here in the evening to pick you up."

I swallowed. And then felt like I was going to throw up. It wasn't the thought of seeing my dad pick me up that made me nauseous, it was that house as a whole. The other three occupants. I couldn't bear the thought of living with them again.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. I know you don't like it but I can't take you with me. You'd have to trust your dad this time around. Can you do that?"

"I don't know. I don't know." I felt a drop of tear stain my left cheek. And then felt aunt Marie's arms around me.

"I'm really sorry. Look at it this way, it's your father's house so it's your house too. You shouldn't run away from what's yours. Rather, you should be claiming it."

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now