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I fidgeted in front of my wardrobe for a very long time. I had a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear. I know almond said to be myself but I still wanted to wow him. I didn't want him to look at me and say "okay. Just stand here and let me get the perfect lighting." I wanted him to look at me and say "Damn, girl you're beautiful. You're extremely breathtaking." And then I'll take that breath  away. No,no. I don't mean kill him.

So far, walking front and back wasn't helping. I needed to search for something good and fast. It was already 12:30pm.

I found a red and blue flower patterned gown. At first, I thought this was the perfect dress but then I remembered mother nature and how she likes to play games. This was my first physical meeting with Almond and I didn't want the wind blowing up my gown and flashing my unsexy panties. I dropped the gown.

Next were a pair of jeans and purple offshoulder top aunt Marie had bought for me and I'd never worn. My eyes immediately connected with my brown suede block heeled sandal and a brown belt. Perfect.

I proceeded to my dressing table to do my make up. If I applied something 'popping', he'll notice I actually dressed up for him. I decided to go for a nude look, only using gold and purple for my eye-shadow.

By 2pm, I was out of the door. Aunt Marie hadn't returned from her party last night so I decided to lock the door and take the keys with me. I called her several times to know if she had a spare but she didn't pick her calls. Then I called Almond to remind him of our 'meeting'. Turned out he'd already been there since 1pm.

It didn't take me long to get a taxi going  to the park. The first cab I hailed already knew where I was going.

"Crimson park I suppose?". The middle aged driver smiled.

"Um, yeah. How do you know?"

He laughed. "Almost everyone's going there today. I've dropped two families and some girls. The park reopened and lots of people say its the best place to have fun, family picnics and all that."

"So what gave me away? I mean, how did you know I was going there?"

"Just guessed. I hate that our little conversation has to end here." He suddenly stopped the car in front of the big sign that said crimson park. I paid him and got out of the car. "Good luck with your date."

"Thank you." Wait, what! How did he know ?

I walked down to where he'd said we'll meet. When I got there, I realised he wasn't alone. There was a really busty brunette sitting beside him and smiling sheepishly.

"The beauty queen arrives." He announced, making me blush. His companion on the other hand, wasn't so pleased with the way he announced it. She stood up abruptly and walked out, making sure to show her annoyance by stamping her feet as she walked.

"Why is she so angry?" I asked. I just hope she wasn't one of his girlfriends. But if she was, he wouldn't have announced my arrival that way. 

"Forget about her." He waved his hand as if shooing her away. "You look stunning." He smiled at me. I blushed. Again.

"Thank you. You don't look bad for a photographer."

"Really? What were you expecting?" And just like that, we were talking and laughing. It wasn't awkward like the phone calls. It was easy, like the game.

"I don't even know where to start. Everywhere is equally beautiful."

"How about here?" The place we were sitting at was in front of a fountain and behind it was a rose garden. A few roses had been dropped in the fountain and the red bush just made the water look like wine.

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now