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I first felt the heat of the sun before I opened my eyes to the sun rays illuminating every part of my room. The light blended with everything giving me a sign that I was going to have a good day..... Okay, okay, okay. First of all, I didn't feel no heat. I heard that in a movie and thought it would be cool to start my day like that. Now this is how my day actually started.

I woke up while the sun was still wherever it goes at night and the moon was probably on vacation with the stars because it was pitch black and the only thing I could see was practically nothing.

I spent the first few minutes searching for my phone which was carefully placed on the nightstand. When are we going to have phones that can scream "I'm over here!!! You can stop searching under all those piles of clothes."? I 'found' it after I'd almost lost all hope.

The time was 4:05am but it felt like 12:00am. I decided not to turn the lights on for fear of being the only one on the street with lights on at such early hours of the money. I didn't want unnecessary attention.

Since it was too early, I decided to read a book. And I don't mean a textbook, a novel. Dory had earlier on recommended a Colleen Hoover book and I really wanted to know what it was about since she wouldn't stop telling me how awesome it was.

More than halfway into the book -I think -, I began to hear whispers outside my room. It sounded like whoever were talking were doing it directly in front of my door.

They didn't wait for me to get down from the bed before they started banging on the door. At first, I thought of ignoring them but then it got louder. What part of early morning don't they understand?

I checked my phone just to find out I'd been buried in a book for two hours. Two hours and I wasn't even done with the book. Well, I blame it on the notifications that kept distracting me. Rule; always turn off your data connection when you want to read a book. Unless it's a boom that requires data.

I opened the door just as Hailey was about to pound on it again.

"Good morning. What do I owe this pleasant 'early morning' visit?" I said in my most sarcastic voice and turned on the lights.

They both did a once-over at the room and then stared some more before Laney opened her mouth to speak.

"Your room looks lovely. Purple curtains, nice."

"Thank you. Now if that's all," I was already pushing the door close. "I'll like to go back to reading.

"Wait!" Laney held it open. "That's not all. We were hoping to talk to you."

If two-faced was a picture, it would be the both of them.

"Okay. Talk." I crossed my arms and waited.

"We're sorry, okay. About yesterday. Mum was with us so we didn't want to blow our covers." Hailey sighed.

"I don't understand. So, you want me to believe you're pretending to hate me."

They nodded.

If I'd not had that talk with Dory where she exposed them, I would have actually believed it. Believed them.

"And, when she's not around, you actually like me?"

They nodded again.

"Bull. I'm going to bed." I turned around. "Even if it's morning and normal humans should be waking up now."

"Barbara, we're serious. It's all an act." Laney pressed.

"So everyone's acting now huh? What am I going to hear next? Beyonce's my real mum and that's why my whole identity issue has been kept a secret? I'm tired."

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