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I really didn't understand what the shock was all about. Dad just kept on staring at her as if he'd seen a ghost and her, she looked like she was going to faint any minute from now.

It was Laney who finally broke the silence. "I've seen you before. I even follow you on Instagram." She smiled at her.

"Yeah" Hailey added. "She's the food blogger right? The one with that, is it blue's kitchen or something?"

Laney hit her back. Quite hard if I must add. "Stupid. She's not the kitchen woman. It's the fashion house. How can you love them so much and not even know them facially?" She frowned.

Hailey bit her lip for a while. Thinking hard. "Oh my God!!! It's you!" Her brain finally clicked. "Kiz couture. You're Cassandra kiz!!! I can't believe it. Cassandra kiz is in our house." She screamed so loud, dad and Cassandra broke out of their heated gaze.

"Um, yes." She straighted her gown and then turned to me. "Barbara! I didn't notice you."

It was Eunice's turn to be shocked. "You know her?" She asked, looking hard between the both of us. We both nodded.

"Yes." Cassandra spoke up. "We've met on a few occasions. I thought she was living with Marie. You said she's your sister right?"

"She is." Eunice smiled. "And Colin over there is my husband." Her smile seemed to widen.

"Oh! Um, okay... Is Barbara staying with you because Marie's away?"

I didn't like the way Eunice turned to look at me. I didn't like her smile. I didn't like the was she was walking up to me. Slowly, as if counting her steps. She finally reached and put an arm across my shoulder. I flinched.

"Barbara here is Colin's daughter."

An expression flashed across Cassandra's face but it quickly went away before I could tell what it was. "Oh! Your daughter." She smiled.

"No, you bitch!" No one was prepared for the was Eunice hurled at her. She hit her on her arm and pushed her down. Thankfully, there was a couch behind her.

"This madness has to stop right now!" Dad shouted and pushed her off Cassandra.

"Coward." Eunice spat. "You can't even look her in the face and tell her."

"Tell who what?" I heard myself saying. I was really getting confused. What was going on?

"Tell, you that this selfish bitch here is your mother."

"Mother? But I thought her mother was dead?" Hailey frowned.

"No. She abandoned her. Remember." Laney corrected her.

Me? I was dumb. Paralyzed. I could only stare and hear. While my body was on pause, my brain was working speedily, trying to understand what was going on. It began searching for clues, anything that could point that she was actually my mother. We've met before. Twice or more. She'd never shown any signs that she knew me. She'd never.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a daughter." Cassandra frowned. But I also saw confusion written on her face. Denial.

"Yes, you do." Eunice shouted. She paced about a bit before talking. "You had an affair with my husband. Remember?" She fixed her gaze at dad.

I looked at dad. Hoping he'd deny it too. I didn't want to believe Cassandra was really my mother and she was denying me now.

"Cassandra," he said to her but was looking at me. Pleading with his eyes. Why? "She is our daughter."

"That's it! I'm out of here." She got up from the chair and made her way towards the door. "I can't believe you brought me here just to insult me." She looked at Eunice. Maybe my eyes were deceiving me but I think I saw tears in hers. "My daughter is dead. She's been dead for seventeen years."

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