Ashton BSM - He has a girlfriend

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~A/N~ I wrote a nice song today because I felt pretty and was musically inspired by that and I'm proud.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Ashton: (14)
You had what seemed to be a perfect family. A caring mother, an amazing younger brother, a sister that just understood you, and the best older brother in the world.

Despite being famous, Ashton always seemed to have time for you, and your relationship with him was like that of a fairytale. But it's no secret that happiness doesn't last forever, and life keeps chucking obstacles for you to get past. This obstacle was in the form of a girl. Specifically, Bryana.

Bryana was a lovely girl; you couldn't deny that. It was obvious why Ashton loved her, and you had loved her too.

But Bryana and Ashton's relationship was not without its issues, and the issue was you.

Now whenever you called Ashton he was busy with Bryana, and whenever he came home she was the only one he wanted to spend time with. Ashton was learning to live and learning to love - but that love didn't include you.

It seemed unfair; you were his family and he forgot you as soon as a pretty girl was ready to accept him. Were you that disposable?

So, you turned to his friends instead. Mainly, Michael.

Now he was the one Skyping you, and texting you regular updates about the tour. It was Michael that managed to squeeze you into his busy schedule while Ashton drifted further and further away into the land of love.

So when your brother turned up on your doorstep, you were more than surprised.

"Y/N, get the door!" your sister Lauren shouted down the stairs as the doorbell rang. You sighed but didn't argue, and pulled it open to see Ashton standing there, arms behind his back and a big smile on his face.

"Y/N!" he giggled, pulling you into a hug like nothing was wrong. "It's been a while!"

"I missed you," you mumbled into his shoulder. There was a brief silence, and you noticed he never said it back.

"Lauren!" he cheered at the sight of his other sister standing at the bottom of the stairs, half a doughnut in her hand. Letting go of you, he went over to hug her.

"What are you doing back?" you asked. The tour was only half over.

"I came to tell you I'm planning on proposing to Bryana!" he said, and your world crumbled in front of you.

You didn't see Ashton any more. He lived with Bryana now. But that was ok, because if he dropped his family at the sight of a pretty girl, then maybe he wasn't family at all.

That didn't mean you didn't love him, for he was still your brother, and it didn't mean you didn't love Bryana. She was still amazing, and you enjoyed the precious moments she was around but they travelled so much that that time was rare. When they did return home they spent all the time at their own house, but with the other boys it was different.

Michael only grew closer to you, and after a while, so did Luke and Calum. They picked up where Ashton left off, for although they hadn't been dumped completely he had stopped spending as much time with them.

But it was after a month of not even getting a text from your brother, you realised that the silence only meant one thing.

He really did love Bryana more than he loved you.

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