Luke BGM - Soulmate AU

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~A/N~ I'm writing while drinking a chocolate oat drink (because I went vegan - long story) and watching 13 reasons why so this might be a bit morbid. One day I might turn this idea into a proper short story, because I already have it written down.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Luke (late twenties):
You still remember when you first met Luke. In a monochrome world he was your first burst of colour, your first taste of a world that wasn't in black and white. And perhaps the most cliché scenario, you bumped into him at a coffee shop.

You still remember your youthful longing, the dreams you had of colour though you didn't know what it was. Your life was in shades of grey, and you were holding out for the day your soulmate would come and wash away the darkness, leaving you in glistening rainbow hues. The excitement that ran through your veins when you first looked at his face took months to wear off, leaving a tingling feeling under your skin.

You still remember the sapphire that sprung into place, in his eyes and your jeans and the posters adorning the café walls. He stared at you with joy, asked you straight for a drink, and the rest blossomed forth. Luke was funny, and gorgeous, and most importantly he was yours.

You still remember the soft shade of lavender tickling your ankles as you chased him through an emerald field. You still remember the vivid violet feature wall you were so ecstatic about in the new house you moved into together. You still remember the scarlet roses he bought you the night he proposed, and the sparkle of a diamond sitting in a glimmering gold ring.

You still remember what his love felt like, what it tasted like, what it smelled like. The sounds of love remain loud around you, but you can't see it any longer. For soon enough, Luke found a new girl he wanted to give his rainbow love.

Soulmates were supposed to be forever. It was a promise made at birth to be kept until death, but it wasn't the way. Though it was uncommon for soulmates to split, it happened enough for you to be wary about but you had never once dreamed of Luke leaving you, and your love for him was so strong you were sure it could never fade.

But years passed, and his ocean eyes that were once calm and full of love now crashed in a storm of hatred, steely and unforgiving. They glassed over when you spoke, all these shades of blue too much for you to handle so when night came and you slept on one side of an empty bed, you were grateful for the monochrome return.

Soon enough, you stopped seeing Luke. There were no more late nights cuddled on your daisy sofa, watching the stars light up an indigo sky, dancing around your violet feature wall, young and in love.

The first warning signs came when your floor became grey. The warm brown planks that greeted you every morning were now in a shade you remembered too well from your childhood, and it caused a pit of terror to open up in your gut and swallow up the rest of your insides.

"Luke?" you had called, but no one answered. Of course, he wasn't in. When he finally did get home, you were determined to fix what was being broken. "The floor is grey."

"Really?" he asked, disinterested. "It isn't for me."

Your heart shattered into a thousand pieces, and you watched as over the next few months the colours disappeared, one by one. Luke remained unaffected by the whole thing, and you didn't know what you could do. You weren't falling out of love, you were having your rainbow love torn apart.

Soon enough, the only colour left was blue. Your wardrobe, once decorated with the brightest shades, now held only grey with hints of blue poking through. The films you watched were based around the ocean, you felt yourself obsessing over this colour because you knew it was the last you would get. You had to cherish it, engrave it into your memory before Luke fell out of love with you and gave his soul to the other girl.

But having to face his steely eyes on the odd occasion he would return to you was torture enough. A man full of adoration, but none of it for you.

When the sapphire disappeared, you were almost relieved. You knew your time had come, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. One day, perhaps, the colours would return but your faith was small and grief large. It was for the best.

You had to say goodbye to your rainbow love.

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