Michael BSM - Car Ride

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~A/N~ Yes I know this is a republish and I just switched it from a Calum one to a Michael one but I seriously need to be done with this block of 4 and move on to a new one
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Michael (18):
"You know, when you offered me an end-of-school beach holiday this wasn't what I had in mind," you grumbled quietly to your brother as Luke and Calum threw popcorn at each other.

Ashton turned the music up, Nickelback resonating so violently through your ears you could barely hear Michael's reply.

"You know what we're like, and you still said yes."

To be fair, you hadn't taken the car journey into account when agreeing to your pre-University summer beach weekend. The boys' excitable personalities would make a lively celebration, with plenty of parties and drinking mixed with childish fun. You were prepared for an amazing time, of course forgetting the first hurdle.

"Can you not sit still for more than five minutes?!" you shouted at Calum, who had broken off his bickering with Luke to lean right across your body and snatch a packet of crisps from Michael.

"I'm hungry!" he protested.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't thrown all your snacks at Luke-"

Ashton turned the music up so loudly you almost screamed, and flipped his head to face the four of you.

"Stop arguing."

There was silence, which Luke broke after gaining the courage to speak. "Can I come up front again?"



You honestly felt quite sorry for him, trapped underneath three large suitcases in the very back of the car. Originally he had been sitting shotgun, but after only playing 'Better Man' again and again he had been banished far away from any means of controlling the music.

At this point you would've taken his choice over Ashton blasting Nickelback, but it was his car. As he had said, "None of you would be on this trip without me."

Luke was forced back into silence, and you settled against Michael's shoulder in the hope of sleeping for a while.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like that was going to happen.

"Are we there yet?"

"Shut up, Luke," came four different voices, but the boy in question ignored all of you.

"What's taking so long?"

"Maybe the fact that we're stuck in fucking traffic, Luke," Ashton slammed his hand on the wheel, and the car skidded to a halt.

"At this rate we're never going to reach the beach," Calum said quietly, looking out of the window as the arguing started.

"Why have you taken us into traffic?!"

"It's not my fault, is it?"

"You've got the satnav which is supposed to tell you where the traffic is!"

"Yeah, supposed to tell me-"

"Oh, so now you're blaming the satnav-"

"Jesus Christ!" you interrupted. "Shut up, all of you."

"Ok mum," Michael sneered, but quickly changed his tone as you glared at him. "Let's play a game."

"If you say I Spy-"

"No, let's count the green cars," he said.

"Who even has a green car?" Calum mumbled, but didn't push further to your relief.

After about five minutes, everyone was bored of the game. Traffic was at a standstill, so no new cars passed and there wasn't a splash of metallic green in sight.

"I hate this game," Ashton said.

"Agreed. Michael, I think this may have been your worst idea yet."

"Don't be mean, Cal," you shook your head, "but you're not wrong."

You lapsed back into silence, listening to Luke's peaceful humming and watching your brother scroll through Twitter next to you. It would have been the first tranquil moment of the journey, if it wasn't for Nickelback still blaring out of the radio.

"Can you change the music?" you asked quietly.

Ashton glared at you, but after seeing the apologetic, pained expression on your face he softened and turned it down. "What do you want to listen to?"

"Anything but Better Man," Calum said, swearing as Luke kicked his seat.

A grin spread over your face. "Pass me the phone."

Ashton looked slightly suspicious but didn't protest as you took control of his Spotify.

"Just so you know, if this is Better Man you're going to be thrown out of the car," Michael warned you.

"Oh, don't worry," you said. "It's way better."

The first verse hummed out of the speakers. "YOU'RE LIKE PERFECTION, SOME KIND OF HOLIDAY!"


"Are we there yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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