Ashton BGM - Soulmate AU

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~A/N~ I'm so exhausted and so behind on work this is procrastination station right here
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Ashton (16):
Change is always a scary part of life, a terrifying prospect that most people try to avoid but without it, we wouldn't learn and love and grow. You didn't want to change school, but you could recognise it was necessary.

Your mother got a new job, her dream job, and it was bliss for the family. You were so proud of her, so happy her life was becoming the one she wanted it to be, that you didn't register what she was telling you.

You were going to have to move, very far away. All the way to Sydney, actually. Of course you didn't want to leave, but there was no choice in the matter if you wanted your mum to be happy. So you packed your things without complaint, exchanged tearful but brief goodbyes with the friends you were leaving behind, and took to the plane with a positive mindset. You would be happy in this new life.

All through the flight, you played a game where you watched the compass on your wrist pointing to where your soulmate was, watching to see when it flipped direction to show you had gone past him. But the whole journey, it just pointed in the same direction, the direction in which you were flying, and you began to bristle in excitement. Were you flying to him?

But you were quick to dismiss the thought from your head and continue to focus on bigger things, the change and the travel. You were still so young, there was plenty of time to find him later in life.

The new school was teeming with life and aggression, much like any other high school, and you were called to the headmaster's office on the first day to be given a guide, someone to help you find your way and hopefully settle in. Perhaps this would be an instant way into a friendship group, you wouldn't have to try too hard.

So you relaxed, smiled upon meeting the pale boy who introduced himself as Michael, and happily departed together immediately falling into pleasant conversation.

"So, who's good to be friends with?" you asked in interest. "Anyone I should be careful of?"

"Well, there's not exactly groups of people like the jocks and cheerleaders and things you see on TV, but there are friendship groups that are better than others," he grinned. "There's my group, we're definitely the coolest and most punk rock. Then there's the sporty losers like Calum Hood, who play football and stuff and actually enjoy sport. There's the friendly smart people like Luke Hemmings and then the creatives."

"The creatives?"

"You know, artsy and musical. You'll probably notice Ashton Irwin, he's at the forefront of that."

"And you all hate each other?"

"No! Nothing like that! Obviously there are people we don't like, and there's this one girl who's really weird that everyone hates, but all in all we get along pretty well. What's your first lesson?"

You looked down at your timetable, trying to avoid the sea of pupils rushing past you. "Maths."

But Michael wasn't listening, he was staring suspiciously at a boy with sandy, curly hair striding away, loud giggles resonating off all the walls.


"What? Oh yes, that's this way. I don't have it with you, but I'll pick you up at the end." He snapped back to you, eyeing your compass warily which was now twisted in the complete opposite direction to before. Butterflies exploded in your stomach but you pushed them down - there was no way your soulmate was here, so you couldn't get your hopes up.

"Everyone, this is Y/N. She's a new student here, so I trust you'll all make her feel welcome. Y/N, there's a spare seat next to Ashton so you can sit there." The kindly teacher, Ms Hemmings, beamed down at you and you smiled weakly, treading around the classroom to take a seat next to Ashton.

You instantly had a crush on him. Those hazel eyes and dimpled smile were too much for you, and the volcano that erupted in your throat wasn't one you had felt before. But it seemed the feeling was reciprocated, as he stared at you with wide eyes.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," you stammered.

"I'm Ashton." He held a fist out for you and you gladly bumped it, and as you did a flash came from your compass and the blood red arrow pointing directly at the boy turned a lime green until the contact between you ceased, leaving you opened mouthed in awe, for Ashton's compass had mirrored this.

"You're my soulmate?" the words fell from your mouth before you could stop them, and the entire class fell silent, watching you with varying expressions of happiness and jealousy.

"I guess I am?" Ashton choked, and Ms Hemmings smiled.

"Would you two like two minutes outside to have a chat?"

You nodded gratefully and the two of you hurried outside the door, quickly jumping into each others' arms.

"I found you!" Ashton giggled and you frowned.

"Actually, I found you."

"What's going on?" a familiar voice chuckled from the side and you saw Michael leaning against the lockers.

"Why aren't you in class?" you countered his question with one of your own.

"Skiving," he said. "What's going on?"

"She's my soulmate," Ashton pointed at you, still enveloped in his arms. "Like, my actual soulmate."

"But you're still going to sit with us at lunch, right?" Michael narrowed his eyes.

You exchanged a look with Ashton. "Maybe it's time the creatives and the punk rocks came together."

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