To The Stars

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Hey everyone!

Basically you might know that I write proper stories that aren't this one, and I have one called Magic which is finished and I'm slowly publishing.


Instead of writing the entirety of my new one and then publishing, I've decided to just do it normally like everyone else.

So, my new book which is called 'To The Stars' is now up.

I'm really proud of the actual writing in this one, it's also a lot more personal because the main character deals with anorexia. It follows the adventures of 5sos while they rose to fame, going on tour with 1D, but the main character and her three best friends have been inserted and cause all sorts of drama behind the scenes.

There are a ton of secrets and hidden things that cause all sorts of problems, as well as mental health issues and fame issues that cause a lot of heartbreaks.

All of the boys are really central too because I prefer fics that don't focus solely on one of them.

If you would check it out it would mean the world to me.

I love you!

Leila xx

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