Ashton BGM - Monster Among Men

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~A/N~ I know I've been MIA for a while but life started to get the better of me and I needed a break (also coursework fuck my life)
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Ashton (20):
Demons hide behind my back
And I can see them
One, two, three, four

They hiss and splutter behind me, acting like I don't know they're there; not that they care. To them, I'm just another stupid human who made a stupid mistake and had to sell my soul - not at their rank, therefore not worthy of respect or even subtlety.

The four flit around, gnashing their razor teeth and batting crimson wings together. It makes me shudder, but I have to keep my humanity about me.

I am Ashton Irwin. I am 21 years old. I am in a band with my best friends - Luke, Calum and Michael. I have a little sister called Lauren, and a brother called Harry. I fell in love, and it ruined everything.

Oh, the stupid truth is I'm so bad for you

Dear Michael,

I'm repenting. I killed Y/N, and now I've brought her back but I have to pay the price. This is my fault - I shouldn't have drunk so much that night and driven her home, and you can dispute that but it won't change anything.

I made a deal with the devil. I know, cliché, but what else could I do? She's alive, and I'm repenting, and it's fine.

I just have to repent.

Tell her I love her and I always will, but she needs to love someone else. I'm a monster.


"Time up. Leave," one of the demons commands, and I glare at the wall in front of me as I slip the note on top of Michael's pillow. It's time for work.

The girl in front of me sobs as I fade into the background. It's you, of course it's you, that's the ultimate penalty for what I did. And although it's been decades, and I've had years to get over you it only feels like a day. Your once vibrant hair is now a shimmering silver, bright eyes now milky, wrinkles adorning a face that was soft against my touch.

You weep over the body of a man, similar in age to you with the same tufts of grey hair except his eyes are glassy and lifeless. I know, because I just took the life from them.

Years of murder have taken any emotion out of me, but I can't help welling up when I see you.

Despite the pain tearing gashes in your eyes and the blanket of age that has settled over your skin, you're beautiful; I don't regret anything.

I still love you, and I always have, but I'm not bitter that you fell in love with another. I sold my soul so you could grow old, and you did, and I'm proud of you for that.

So, Y/N, I may have fought for you. I may have given up myself so that you could live, but it's fine. I had to repent, finally step back and take things into perspective, realising the monster I had become.

At least now I'm a monster among monsters.

I love you, Y/N. Always and forever. But I was so bad for you.

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