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I am a dancer.

I am a dancer and I am scared to death.


There comes a point in one’s life where you have to make a decision…the biggest life changing decision.

What are you going to do with the rest of your life!?

I could have chosen to go back to school... majored in business, economics or something stuffy like that, but no. Not me.


I decided to go for it. I decided to go for the most unstable future I could possibly come up with & throw myself at it desperately.


still don’t know how I got this job.


I mean I am good, don’t misunderstand me.  I am good at what I do.

That is not the problem.

The problem is that I am jumping headfirst into the unknown and that is SOO not like me. I am not spontaneous.  I am not adventurous.

I am neat. I am organized and I always think ahead.

I like to know what’s coming.   

I like to be prepared for anything that could happen.  I like to double check what’s ahead of me before I walk into something.


It’s kinda like mini-golf.  You know, when you can’t see the hole you don’t just take the shot blindly… you go, find out where the hole is & then you carefully plan out your method of attack.


Well, I’m hitting blindly…in the dark…  I’m jumping off of a bridge without knowing what's below me...


and I am terrified.


Although, I’m still excited.

I’m nervously excited. Is that even a thing? It is for me, so that’s what i’m going with.


This new stage in my life is going to be the best thing ever to happen to me or the worst.


At least I have my friends.  Oh, and my best friend/roommate…

and my girlfriend, Angel.

She’s … pretty much exactly that.


Tomorrow will see me at the threshold of the rest of my life.

I just have to remember to breathe.

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