Ch 7. Date Night

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The weeks passed. Things were back to normal with Scott and Mitch and the two were pretty inseparable.

The feelings that showed up every time Scott was near Mitch were still there and gaining in intensity with each passing day. As hard as he tried to make them go away, it was pretty impossible not to fall for the charming man. Every smile, every laugh, every shared secret only made it that much harder to keep Mitch at arms length.

At least Angel was back from her vacation and when she stayed over it at least helped him get out some of his frustrations. He was sure she noticed how horny he seemed to always be lately, but she didn't complain or mention it.

Zac had been sneaking more and more kisses lately as Scott's sex drive seemed to be in overdrive.  It probably had something to do with the fact that Scott had been throwing himself at Zac for the entirety of the week that Angel was gone.   Now on the nights when Angel stayed at her own apartment Zac would often climb into his bed. Sometimes Zac would just hold him as if needing the contact... but there were times that Zac needed more. They used each other for their own needs, but neither seemed to mind.

Scott could tell something was going on with the man but when he would bring it up Zac would change the subject making it clear he didn't want to talk about it.

So Scott didn't push.

Besides, he had enough problems of his own. He felt like a sex fiend!

He thought about it ALL. the. time. There came a point when he was beginning to feel awkward when he was with Angel, so he spent less and less time with her. For that he felt kind of bad, but he was spending more and more time with Mitch and Kirstie, so he didn't really dwell on it. If he was honest with himself he much preferred their company to hers.  Mostly, Mitch.  

Oh, Mitch.  Mitch was seeping into everything he did.

When he was with Angel, he thought of Mitch.  When he was with Zac, he thought of Mitch,  well when he wasn't watching Zac.

Mitch... the one person he WASN'T sleeping with.

Life was unfair.  

Mitch was beautiful and smart and witty and every moment Scott was with him he fell a bit more. They hung out together constantly, spending hours at a time together... dancing... bowling... mini-golf.

He Kirstie and Mitch had spent hours laying on Scott & Zac's living room floor just coloring and talking and watching cartoons.  He'd steal glances at Mitch, sure that Mitch had been watching him, but Mitch would quickly look away with a small smile.

They were inseparable, the three of them, but he and Mitch especially.

He was getting MUCH better at contemporary  and Mitch was doing amazing at hip hop.

Life was good.  Maybe not as good as it could have been, but having Mitch as a friend was better than not having Mitch at all.


Mitch was not having it as wonderfully as Scott.  Mitch didn't have a Zac or an Angel to get his frustrations out with.

He had...

his hand... and it sure as hell was getting a workout.

Every time he and Scott got together he felt like a kid again,  just carefree and having fun and living without worry.

They both touched each other whenever they could.  Scott was just a really touchy-feely person  and Mitch was definitely not going complain. He embraced the closeness and had currently embraced the dreams that haunted him every single night.

Those dreams were amazing.  

But Scott had a girlfriend, a girlfriend who was STUNNING.  She was gorgeous and tall and had a body that girls would kill for.

Mitch hated her.  

They'd only met once, but Mitch thought she was soooo not what Scott should be with.  She was all business and put together and Scott was calm and laid back.  She was very nice but quiet.  She smiled and made polite conversation, but Mitch could tell she wasn't happy about his appearance in Scott's life, taking up all of his time.    

It didn't help that Mitch refused to dampen his closeness when she was there.  His territorial side came out and he wanted this girl gone.  She was wrong for Scott, and while rationally he knew he didn't really know her well enough to make that assumption, irrationally she had what he wanted so... 

He decided no more get togethers at Scott's unless she wasn't there.  Zac could be there.  Oh, he CERTAINLY could be there.  Mitch loved looking at that guy.  He wasn't around much but every time he walked into a room all eyes were on him.

The only time he didn't really appreciate Zac was when he was looking at Scott...which he did... a lot. Especially lately.

Mitch figured out that Zac was at least Bi, he had to be with the way he looked at Scott. 

But, of course, leave it to Scott to be completely oblivious to the effect he had on pretty much everyone.  Adorable, straight Scott.

If he only knew the things he did to Mitch.  

Life was unfair.


"So I hope you don't have plans tonight.  If you do cancel them." Mitch spoke up over lunch.

"Why? Are you planning on kidnapping me or something?" Scott smirked and took a bite of his salad.

if only...

"Not this time.  Tonight, I am going to make you dinner at my place and YOU are going to LOVE it."  

Scott had never been Mitch's loft. They usually hung out at his place or were out doing something. He was anxious to see where Mitch lived. 

"KT gonna be there?"

Mitch shook his head. "She met this new guy,  Jeremy I think.  They're going out tonight"

"Wow, Kirstie going on a date.  It's about time."

Mitch laughed and nodded. "Maybe we can start working on that dance together."

Scott grinned. "What were we calling it? The Scomiche dance?"

Mitch laughed again. "Our contemphop."

"Alright, I'll be there." 

"You don't even know where I live yet," Mitch smirked.

"Well, I was assuming you'd tell me."

"You know what it means to assume."

Scott shook his head. "Don't even say it."

They both laughed, both secretly excited about spending a night alone together.

Just the two of them.


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