Ch 24. Sunshine

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A/N: So I spent a lot of time writing this really long description of their nightly encounter, but after reading it a few times in draft form, I realized it wasn't really needed. So I am going to bypass it and let it ... just be lol. 


Scott was pulled out of his wonderful dream by the obnoxious sound of his cell phone alarm. He slipped from Mitch's arms just enough to grab it before Mitch's arms tightened around him in his sleep and he was pulled right back again.                                                                                           

It made him laugh softly as he turned the alarm off. 

He SO didn’t want to get up. He didn’t want to move at all as he looked down at the gorgeous man on the bed next to him. Mitch looked so sweet and innocent. He was just indescribable. He let his eyes slowly roam over Mitch’s face. His full lips that were always just begging to be kissed, his angled nose, those long eyelashes splayed over his cheeks… he wanted to touch it, kiss it all.  

He tried to resist, so he wouldn’t wake the sleeping man, but his fingertips had a mind of their own and they moved to gently brush over his face. 

You have to get up. You have to go to work. You can’t just lay here staring at Mitch all day, no matter how much you want to. Damn, he’s perfect.

He wasted a bit more time just enjoying the scene in front of him, before he set about untangling himself from the other’s limbs slowly and gently so as not to wake him. 

However, he’d barely made it out of the bed long enough to grab his boxers and pull them on when those brown eyes turned up at him sleepily. 

“Where you going?” Mitch whispered out in half yawn. 

“Work. Go back to sleep.” He smiled sweetly and put one knee on the bed and leaned over to give Mitch a small kiss, but Mitch wasn’t happy with just that and he pulled him down onto the bed again. 

“Don’t want you to.” 

“I got to” Scott grinned against the lips that were messily pressing against his own. He felt them purse out in a pout. 

“Then I’m coming with you.” 

“Mitch you don’t have to. You should sleep and relax.” 

“Want to.” He smiled and eventually, after a dozen more kisses, let go of him. 

Scott shook his head but could not stop his grin as he stood next to the bed. He was in love and everything seemed so much cuter when you were in love. It was perfect. Everything about Mitch was fantastic and everything he did was too cute, absolutely adorable. 

“I’m gonna go take a shower.” 

Mitch was up and out of bed in a flash. 

“In that case I’m definitely up!” He hobbled over and jumped onto Scott’s back, still stark naked. 

Scott couldn’t help but laugh. 

“You’re gonna make me late aren’t you.” 

“Would I ever do such a thing?” Mitch grinned and kissed the back of Scott's neck sweetly as Scott headed for the bathroom, both of them laughing. 


Scott wasn’t late, but he wasn’t early like usual either.

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