Ch 27. Forever in Debt to Your Priceless Advice

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Scott felt ridiculous.

Mitch was off shopping with his friend Avi and now Scott was left alone with his thoughts. He’d done a LOT of thinking over the past few hours. He had no idea what he was supposed to do. Mitch's request brought every insecurity inside of him straight to the surface. Mitch didn’t think he was good enough. He needed someone else to join them so that he could get something that Scott wasn’t giving him.

Of all the things to worry about, he hadn't realized sex was one of them.  He tried to imagine what he was doing wrong.

He was standing at Kirstie’s door before he even realized it.

After knocking she simply yelled for him to come in and he went right into her bedroom where she was still in bed watching Saturday morning cartoons, an empty cereal bowl sitting on the nightstand.

He took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed next to her. She looked over at him. Scott had been doing this a lot lately. He wouldn’t say much but he’d just come over and look like he wanted to spill everything,  but he’d never actually give it up. There was always something holding him back.

She let 10 minutes pass before she finally spoke up.

“Babe, you gotta talk to me.”

“He doesn’t want me.”

Kirstie had no idea what he was talking about. “Who doesn’t want you?”

“Mitch. I’m not good enough for him.”

She looked at him like he was nuts and then just burst out laughing. “All he ever talks about is you. All he ever does is spend time with you. He ADORES you.”

“He asked me if we could have a threesome.” Scott was picking at a loose thread on his jeans as he blurted it out.

Her laughing stopped completely and she just stared.

“come again?”

“He wants us to have sex with someone else. Its because I’m not good enough.”

“Hon, I’m sure that’s not why. Maybe he’s just been having a weird fantasy or something.” She made a face just thinking about it.

“I’m obviously not doing something right if it takes bringing someone else into our bed to please him.”

“Oh, honey, I beg to differ. I hear him all the time and you’re either doing something VERY right or he’s the world’s best faker and Mitch sucks at acting.”

Scott wasn’t convinced. He was much more confident than he used to be, but there would always be that part of him that swore he wasn’t good enough… for anyone.

"He wants me to ask Zac."


"Well, of course his first choice was Kyle..." 

"Seriously? He is the world's biggest idiot. I swear!"

“I told him I’d do it.”

“What!? Scott - I don't even know what to say right now. Why would you agree to that?”

Scott shrugged.  “If it makes him happy.”

“It obviously doesn’t make YOU happy.”

“It’s fine. I’ll get over it, I guess.”

“Honey... there has to be some other explanation.” She gave him a look.

He almost opened up to her. He wanted to, but he stopped himself.

She was partial to Mitch. Mitch had been her friend first and no matter what he ever said or did… she would always make an excuse for him.

“I gotta go.”

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