Ch 1. Starstruck

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"Dammit," Scott mumbled into his pillow as a harsh beeping interrupted his peace. He grunted and slammed his hand down on the snooze button and snuggled back into the warm body next to him hoping to ease back into unconsciousness.

"Baby, wake up."

He buried his face in skin.

"Scott... your new job..."

Funny how obnoxious alarms couldn't shake him into an alert state, but the mention of his new job was more effective than being doused with a bucket of icy water.

He was most definitely awake.

His eyes opened immediately and he scrambled out of bed to hurry into the shower.

He was surprised to find his bed made when he returned to his room. A clean outfit was laid out across the comforter... including underwear and socks.

He smiled to himself and dressed quickly.  He checked himself in the mirror about a hundred times before he was satisfied.

Everything he would need for the day was already in his bag,  but he double checked just in case. He could NOT screw this up.

He lifted his nose to the air as the smell of something, oh so good, wafted into the room.  Coffee...  he definitely smelled coffee & food of some kind.

What would I do without that girl?

He finally made his way into the kitchen and stood behind the petite woman. He kissed her shoulder before perching his chin on it to see that she was making him pancakes.

"You are too good to me..."

She only smirked. "Don't I know it."

He laughed and went to grab a coffee mug from the cabinet, but she simply reached out a hand to stop him and pointed to the table. A mug already full of steaming coffee sat in front of his usual chair. The creamer and sugar sat next to it, at the ready.


He laughed a bit and sat down as she served him breakfast. Standing behind him she leaned down to wrap her arms loosely around his neck.

"It's your day today.  Enjoy it, okay?"

He nodded and she gave him a quick peck on his cheek before going to get herself something to eat.  He hoped the day would end as well as it had begun.

"I smell food."

Scott laughed as his roommate shuffled into the kitchen in only a pair of navy pajama pants.  He was scratching his head, his hair stuck up at all ends adorably.

But, then again, Zac was just adorable.  All the time.  Happy, sad, cranky, half asleep, drunk, angry, relaxed... it was just... Zac

"So sit and eat some." Angel placed a plate on the table for him and handed him a fork. Like she hadn't expected Zac's nose to sniff out food even at 7:30 in the morning.

She knew those boys too well.

Angel always thought of everything. She liked to be ahead of things.  She liked predictability.  Routine.

Just like me...

It was comforting and easy.

Zac took a bite and with his mouth partially full turned to Scott...

"Your girlfriend is amazing!"

Scott laughed knowingly. "Tell someone who doesn't already know." And he did know.  She was incredible. But...

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