Ch 44. Progress

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“It’s too big.” 

“I don’t think so. I thought it was a good size.” 

“It’s just the two of us. We don’t need 4 bedrooms and a pool. Well the pool was nice, but we’re barely ever home why do we need all of that room?” 

“There’s THREE of us, first of all, and we need four rooms because we have a lot of friends. What if Kirstie wants to stay over?” 

“Wyatt is like the size of a shoe, he doesn’t count. So we need two rooms.”

“What if Kirstie AND Avi wanna stay over?“ 

“Then three at most.” 

“What if we maybe one day want to…” Scott didn’t know how to start up this conversation. 

“Ok, ok so four bedrooms isn’t that bad.” Mitch knew where it was going and looking at houses was a big enough step. He wasn’t sure why they were leaving the loft, but he WOULD like more closet space and two bathrooms would be fabulous. The super large bedroom would ALSO be helpful. Then they could get a bigger bed. 

“I liked it. I thought it was much better than the other places we’ve looked at.” 

Mitch had to admit that it was a gorgeous house. All brick, two stories… beautiful porch in the back… in ground pool and hot tub, huge fenced in yard. It looked cozy. 

“I liked it too. I could see us living there.” 

“Good, because I was thinking about buying it.” 

“Scott, are you sure? I mean this is a BIG step. We’ve only been back together for what… 9 months?” 

“I’m sure. We were together for awhile before that… and, I just know that this is right. I mean, if you’re not ready then I understand, but…” 

“No,no. I’m ready. I just wanted to make sure that you were sure.” 

“Well now that we’re both in abundance of sure, then it’s a go?” 

Mitch still hesitated. 

He loved Scott, with every piece of his heart, but was this what was right for them? Already? 



“Scott, I just think that that house has a serious degree of permanence.” 

Scott understood immediately. It was all over his face. 

“I see. I got it. Forget it.” 

“Baby, you know I didn’t mean it like. It's not that I don't think we'll make it, but…” 

“But you’re not sure.” 

“I thought we’d be together forever before and then we broke up…” 

Scott just looked at him in complete disbelief. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.”

“It happened.” 

“Because you cheated on me!” 

“But, still..” 

“So you plan on cheating again?” 

“No, I just… I don’t want us to muck up again.” 

“Mitch, if you don’t want us to buy a house, then just say so. Don’t make excuses.” 

“It’s not that I don’t…” 

Scott sighed. “Just forget I even brought it up.” He got up from his seat at the kitchen table they’d been having their debate at. 

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