Ch 30. Rent

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Apologies for this - I'm too exhausted to edit or proof. 

The dance Mitch is doing in the beginning I will include in case you're curious :)


Scott smiled to himself as he watched the man he loved leap across the floor. Mitch was working on a new piece of choreography and it was absolutely stunning.  Every movement told a story and Scott felt it, was sucked into it. He could watch him dance all day every day. It was beautiful. 

When the music finally ended and the movement stopped he clapped in appreciation. 

Mitch smiled at him as he allowed himself to leave the emotion of the dance. 

"You've outdone yourself." 

"Shut up. It's still really messy, but its getting there." 

Scott pushed up from the floor and walked over, wrapping his arms around the sweaty man. 

"If that's messy, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it when it's finished." 

"Afraid you'll cry?" 

"Afraid I'll rip your clothes off mid way through. That one move... I think we may have to bring that to the bedroom." Scott smirked.

Mitch laughed. "I love you, but I don't think I wanna know."

Scott just kind of gazed into his eyes, a goofy smile on his lips. 

"What?!" Mitch looked at him a bit concerned. "C'mon perv, bring it back to the here and now."

"I'm not thinking of anything pervy. At least not anymore. I just, sometimes it hits me how much I love you and I get a bit overwhelmed." 

Mitch grinned. "Aww, baby... I love you so much. Now kiss meeee." 

Scott grinned and gave him a quick kiss. 

Mitch laughed, but he found Scott's words so endearing, just like always. Scott always said the most thoughtful things, and no matter how many times he got all sweet and mushy it still made his heart race and his tummy fill with butterflies.  

"Alright cheeseball, are you ready to go home?"

"Yes, I am starving!" 

"Story of our lives, Boo, story of our fucking lives."


Things got busy. 

Mitch had two dancers that were now paying for private lessons 3 times a week. Now the free hour that he'd usually spend in Scott's class was now spent with Travis. 

Scott and Kirstie also had to walk home by themselves 3 times a week because Mitch had to stay behind for his hour session with Evan. 

Scott actually didn't mind very much tho. Kirstie usually spent that hour with him and it was good. It was very good. He felt closer to her now more than ever before. That had a lot to do with how much she was opening up to him. 

The funny thing about Kirstie, when she wants to be random she can be random, when she wants to be silly she can be more than silly, and when she wants to be serious she's more mature than most people her age. 

Scott liked her when she was like that. They had such "grown up" talks when it was just the two of them. They talked about the future and insurance and gas prices...and recently about Jeremy. She was still with him and things were starting to get serious. 

She talked to Scott openly about it. He appreciated her trust in him.

She had also been helping him cover with his family. As far as his parents were concerned Kirstie was his new girl.  She didn't mind, at least she didn't for now. He dreaded the day when she would have to actually meet them, but that was a worry for another day. 

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